Living Entrepreneurship Blog/Babson Entrepreneurs

Why Use Save the Date Magnets?

Save the date magnets are often associated with non-business functions like weddings, anniversary parties, graduations, and more. But you can use custom printedsave the date magnets促进你的业务。这是一个fi的问题nding the right concept for your magnets and using them as a promotional tool far enough in advance to help your recipients commit the date and event listed on your magnets to memory. One of the best ways to start using custom save the date magnets is with your company’s birthday. If you haven’t considered running a special promotion to coincide with the anniversary date of your first day in business, you’re missing out on a good opportunity to promote yourself.

Even a simple promotion with a discount on products or services is a great way to take advantage of this special day. Create a PR campaign for your customers or clients featuring a save the date magnet. The magnet should advertise the promotion, the date of your anniversary, and include your website address. Be sure to link your website with the save the date magnet promotion and include more information on the landing page of your site.