

作为为期两年的MBA计划的第一年,我才能熟悉全面着名的Babson Chickphrase:火箭沥青。beplay官网体育对于那些不熟悉的人来说,它是描述了3分钟的销售业务想法的短语。火箭间距挑战是最广泛参加的Babson活动之一,本周日从1:30-4:30下午30点举行,全天预定近100个投球。beplay官网体育教授和学生强烈推荐参与,以利用磨练演示技能的机会。如果有任何技能,Babson希望学生带走商业beplay官网体育教育,这是简洁和有说服力的方式传达思想,以获得商业伙伴,顾问,资助或客户的支持。

Typically an effective pitch will touch on 6 components:

  • The market opportunity
  • 价值主张
  • Market Size
  • 收入模型
  • Founder/Team Fit
  • 呼吁采取行动

More important than these components, however, is actually YOU, the presenter!

That’s right. In order to engage an audience, a rocket pitcher must sell themself, not just their idea. There are many ways to sell yourself, including the way you dress, your presence, your mannerisms, your articulation, your vocal projection, etc. With just three days left to prepare for the rocket pitch, we all know that’s not enough time to change or improve每一个way you sell yourself. Aside from making last minute speech center appointments, there is lifeline for all of you in your prep stages. After many visits to the Babson Speech Center, one of the more useful pieces of advice I received was to take a few moments to watch the介绍iPod的史蒂夫乔布斯视频2001年。乔布斯演示文稿特别清晰,简单,可争议,为历史上最成功的投球之一。史蒂夫乔布斯真的销售iPod,但更重要的是,他卖掉了苹果和苹果背后的领导团队。虽然视频长于9分钟的速度超过分配的3分钟火箭音高,但我强烈建议在最后一分钟的准备和灵感上观看它

Best of luck Thursday!