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Blank in Boston: Sales is Everything

The following post is from Ali Pincus Jacobs, a Blank Center team member.

Are you looking to jumpstart your sales at your startup in 2017? Join the Blank Center in Boston on Thursday, January 12that 5:30 p.m. for a panel discussion on “Sales is Everything: Tips and Tricks from Successful Babson Entrepreneurs”.Babson alumni entrepreneurs from HIgherMe, Talbots and ButcherBox will share their tops and tricks to get your sales machine cranking in the new year.

When starting a company most founders only focus on building the actual product or developing their idea and not enough on how they are going to sell it. The ability to sell is the single most important skill for an entrepreneur to master. Sales is EVERYTHING in a startup. Beyond the obvious goal of generating revenue, sales skills are important because as an entrepreneur, you must constantly be selling yourself, your vision, your brand, your product, your ideas, etc… Whether it’s at an event, in an elevator or in the boardroom, mastering sales tips and tricks will be critical to your startup’s success. Join us in Boston for a special evening to learn from some of Babson’s best entrepreneurs on the importance of sales.

Panelists will include:

Keri Barrett ’07, Sales Lead, Gilt City (Moderator)
Rob Hunter M’14, Founder & CEO, HigherMe
Dan Marques ’07, Director, Online Marketing, Talbots; Start-Up Advisor
Mike Salguero M’09, Founder & CEO, ButcherBox

See you at Babson’s Boston campus on Thursday, January 12! Registration starts at 5:30pm, event starts at 6pm.