

为了揭开序幕,今年的Back to Babson周末,学院举办了Celebrating Achievements in Entrepreneurial Thought and Action®颁奖盛典。在这种情况下,巴布森承认到处谁创造经济beplay官网体育和社会价值的校友企业家。与会者包括巴布森的治理,教师,职员,学生和校友的成员。beplay官网体育

今年的新星获奖者分别为Leon Logothetis ‘99,作者和世界旅行家,艾米丽利维'16,优素福铝Humaidhi '15,和Maria Del Mar的戈麦斯Viyella '16,联合创始人Mighty Well;和丹尼尔Dalet '03,联合创始人SoloCoco。总统克里·希利上台介绍名人堂奖项的校友企业家名人堂。成立于2008年,这个奖项庆祝谁已经创造了巨大的社会和经济价值区分自己在创业的精神个体。

The 2017 Rising Stars and Alumni Entrepreneur Hall of Fame Inductee with faculty, staff, and President Kerry Healey.

今年的主宾,西里尔·加缪'91,集中体现了创业思想和Action®。西里尔是的董事长兼首席执行官House of Camus,干邑的国际品牌已经由卡慕家族的五代1863年以来运行的生产商。西里尔的战略眼光和领导力都显著提升了品牌的美誉度。自2003年以来,当他把家族企业的领导,西里尔已经推出了一些新的举措,以战略性发展加缪的房子和进一步扩大其全球影响力。今天,卡慕分布在140多个国家,并已获得了无数的荣誉。对于该公司的指数增长和地方经济发展的后续影响,西里尔是由法国政府今年早些时候提出的为荣誉军团骑士勋章。除了他的专业和个人成就,西里尔一直巴布森的巨大合作伙伴和支持者。beplay官网体育西里尔作为全球咨询委员会成员,并已成为在法国振兴校友活动的领导者。

西里尔·希利加盟总统上台领奖。他开始通过分享他是多么受宠若惊,credited his father and the generations before him for providing the knowledge necessary to make a good cognac.However, the skills that allowed him to grow this 150-year-old company as a viable and profitable business were learned at Babson.He recalled the confidence he felt after every semester that he had learned skills that could be applied to his business right away.The amazing faculty and the practicality of the skills he learned really stood out to him.

When Cyril came to Babson as the fifth generation heir of a family business, he lost his sense of entitlement and acquired instead a taste for achievement.He thinks that if Babson can do this for other students with family businesses, this proves how amazing of an institution it truly is.Whenever he returns to campus, Cyril is continually surprised at the international diversity of the student body.This is something about Babson that he cherishes.It is an amazing gift that the school gives its students to learn to work, think, act with people from so many different cultures and nationalities.

As a student, he learned the skills to be an entrepreneur and grow his company.As he has remained involved with Babson after graduation, he has seen how the curriculum has adapted to emphasize values and principles while remaining entrepreneurial.Today, his company is a value-driven company that focuses not only on creating economic value but also environmental value.This is by far his proudest achievement and he has the Babson community to thank.He finished by saying that he is grateful to Babson both for what it gave him as a student and what it continues to provide him today.

We are excited to see what the future holds for Cyril, Leon, Emily, Yousef, Maria, Daniel, and all of our alumni entrepreneurs!