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Brittany Lo '14: Female Founder Stories (Part 2)

Brittany Lo'14号,Founder and CEO of Beautini

Brittany Lo '14 is a beauty entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO ofBeautini.在创办公司之前,布列塔尼在欧莱雅美国等品牌工作经验丰富,Redken 5th Ave,以及索尼音乐娱乐。Beautini曾两次获得婚礼最佳结奖,并在《纽约杂志》2017年的“最佳婚礼供应商”名单中获奖。我最近和布列塔尼谈了谈,想了解更多关于她创业的灵感和她收到的令人难忘的建议。

Beautini is a Manhattan-based luxury beauty concierge that provides hair and makeup services for weddings and special events.We give clients a fun and memorable beauty experience,complete with champagne and silk robes!

What inspired you to start Beautini?
One morning when I was in second grade,my dad asked me the age old question "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I told him that I wanted to work in the beauty industry,so he recommended that I work for Clinique or Estée Lauder.I simply responded saying that I actually wanted to have my拥有美容公司。那天在学校,我在日记中写道,我想创建自己的美容公司,并且从那天起我所做的每一个决定都是为了实现这个梦想。

在巴布beplay官网体育森,I took a Service Marketing course that convinced me that offering beauty services would be more impactful than a product-based business.Understanding how many marketing dollars it takes to bring a product to life from a shelf at CVS,I figured beauty services would be a better business angle to take.我最初的想法是在重要会议或晚上外出之前为女性提供点播服务,but quickly shifted to the wedding niche to create a more meaningful for brides and their bridal parties.

我妈妈。她有四个孩子,做全职工作,and made sure we kept straight A's in school while managing to be at every ballet recital and basketball game- she literally never sleeps!Now that I've grown up,I'm so impressed by the way she and my dad handled it all.当我有一个紧凑的日程安排时,我试着效仿她能做的态度。我知道,我永远不会抱怨我对她有多忙或有多累,因为她总是非常优雅地做这件事。

My other role model is Sara Blakely.她是最年轻的白手起家的亿万富翁,and is very real and honest (and extremely funny!!!).当成功的创业者谈论如何发展他们的业务时,我发现很难知道他们走了什么真正的道路来引领他们走向成功。作为一个年轻的企业家,我知道发展一个企业并不总是有趣和容易的,所以我欣赏萨拉对她的故事的诚实。我钦佩她是多么的脚踏实地,她对平衡工作和家庭的斗争是多么的开放。As my company grows,无论发生什么,我都要保持我的价值观,忠于自己。

What motivates you?
Having investors and a team who believes in me throughout this journey motivates me to be better.也,看到我们的客户对Beautini有多高兴,对我来说意味着绝对的世界,让这疯狂的体验100%值得。毕竟,我有这个追逐梦想的好机会,which so few people have the opportunity to do.如果不是现在,什么时候?!

我收到的最好建议是不要担心别人的想法。当你刚开始创业时,它让人神经紧张,你不知道你最终会失败还是成功,所以担心别人认为什么会是非常具有破坏性的。你应该,of course,listen to feedback but if you worry too much about pleasing others you'll never build a strong brand.Focus on yourself and your own goals one step at a step.

Years ago when I was an intern,my boss told me to know my boundaries and not to interact with upper management.实习快结束了,总经理提议与我会面,审查我的最后陈述,我自然接受了。在我把我的材料介绍给她之后,她给出了反馈并要求再次见面。然而,我的经理一听说第二次会议,就告诉我不要和她见面。I of course listened but at the end of the day,I got a full time offer from that company because of my quality work and also because of a glowing recommendation from that GM.如果我从一开始就听经理的建议,I would have never had this opportunity and perhaps not have received the job offer.  A strength of mine is my fearlessness- I just go for things.If you want to meet with someone,just try!Even if they decline the meeting,你比以前落后不了多少。毕竟,你错过了100%你不拍的镜头!



Being a young company in this industry and gaining national recognition is really exciting.We were also selected for The Knot Wed 100 list in 2017.This is a list of 100 companies nationwide that The Knot believes are leading and reinventing the wedding industry.因为这一点而被认可是令人难以置信的谦卑。

What has been your greatest challenge and what lessons did you take from it?
我遇到的最大挑战是如何培养美女,同时也为每个新娘提供一个亲密的体验。Our clients trust us to provide exceptional service during one of the most important days of their lives,同时扩大业务规模也是一项挑战,但是,看到每一场婚礼的破裂,完全证明了我们对每一位客户采取的额外措施是完全值得的。

你对未来的女性创始人有什么建议?What resources do you recommend?
如果你是一个年轻的企业家,拥抱天真。随着年龄的增长,你会更清楚自己的界限和局限性。如果你相信你能做点什么,you will.Be confident but also be comfortable asking for help.在你真正经营一家企业之前,你是不会想到很多事情的。找一个和你志同道合的人,他可以支持你,成为你的发声板,而你周围的人帮助你提高彼此。

beplay官网体育巴布森胜利实验室真是太棒了!I participated in the WIN Lab during my senior year when I had a vague idea of the company I wanted to create.我从巴布森温实验室和一些教授和导师那里得到了支持,我有信心拒绝我beplay官网体育的全职工作,并在大学毕业后追求我的梦想。我将永远感激和爱回去与妇女谁是目前注册的计划。