Living Entrepreneurship Blog/beplay官网体育巴布森企业家

夏季催化剂项目第6周:Jed Christiansen,TechStars + Showcase Prep

只剩下几周的时间,participants have been perfecting their pitches in preparation for the Summer Catalyst Showcase.尽管每个参与者都在努力在各自的企业中取得进展,it's refreshing to see everyone in the program actively sharing resources and supporting each other.

This week's guest speaker was Jed Christiansen,来自TechStars的产品经理和Seed-DB的创始人。Jed Christiansen对加速器的价值作了很好的介绍,进一步激励参与者在未来继续进行类似项目。在谈话中,Jed Christiansen pointed out that a business pitch really matters,如果你花时间做一个示范性的演讲,you can use your pitch as a template for your business.

为筹备风险展示会,Rachel Pardue ‘19 from LOU and Ross Mathews M'18 from Futurespan presented their refined pitches.在演讲过程中,在表达一个引人注目的叙述方面,有了很大的改进。艾略特·亚当斯提醒参与者,讲故事的方面在一个演讲中至关重要,因为这不仅吸引了观众的注意力,但也会为观众提供一种情感联系。

此外,beplay官网体育巴布森夫从沙特阿拉伯主办了一个为期一周的小型MBA训练营,由巴布森教授菲尔·金教授授课。一周之内,来自比利时和沙特阿拉伯的技术企业家学会了如何增加与现有网络的接触。By the end of the workshop,beplay官网体育post-it notes decorated the walls of the common area and everyone had the chance to get to know each other.令人惊讶的是,巴布森夫的校园总是吸引着来自世界各地的人,beplay官网体育而不仅仅是海湾地区的人——这是巴布森国际形象的代表。

Stay tuned viainstagram@beplay官网体育babsonsf to see the latest events at our San Francisco campus and save the date for our Summer Catalyst Showcase on8月2日,二千零一十八.你可以注册here