生活创业博客/Global & Multicultural

Swecha Reflection

这篇博客文章是由金砖beplay官网体育四国参与者克里斯·拉利(Chris Lally)和厄休拉·德德金(Ursula Dedekind)撰写的…

When we encounter or become aware of social issues and have the means to help, what is our responsibility?


Our visit to Swecha provided an immersive insight into the lives of native Indian people actively taking a stance to improve communities battling the hardships of their environment. Talking to the students who are learning life skills in Swecha’s “Me to Be” education program emphasized the impact a well-intentioned organization with limited resources can have when general access to reliable and beneficial knowledge is rare. After convincing their parents that continuing to work with Swecha beyond the ninth grade was more valuable than working, the children in the community center emerged into adulthood with the ingrained values of gender equality and hope for the future. These previously foreign concepts predominantly contrast ideologies they are surrounded by at home and in their greater communities. Swecha may be a small example of a relief effort in comparison to the poverty and devastation of countless communities in India and around the world, yet its represents how impactful any effort to help can be when hope and education is a rare commodity in life for so many.
