创业生活博客/beplay官网体育Babson Entrepreneurs


2018 B.E.T.A.挑战决赛


Now in its eighth year,空白中心B.E.T.A.挑战认识到巴布森公司通过采取行动取得的重大里程碑。beplay官网体育毕业生的获奖者,beplay官网地址underbeplay官网地址graduate,以及校友B.E.T.A.Challenge each win a grand prize of $20,000 in cash plus​ "services in kind" donations from corporate sponsors respectively.In addition,另外两个入围企业在三场比赛中各获得2500美元奖金。

What you need to know now to apply
我们将详细介绍适用于B.E.T.A.Challenge on our website,but here are a few things you should know now:

  • B.E.T.A挑战针对:
    • All beplay官网体育Babson students that were enrolled fall 2018 or spring 2019
    • Any alum with an underbeplay官网地址graduate and/or graduate debeplay官网体育gree from Babson.
    • Olin College of Engineering or Wellesley College venture that is in the John E.and Alice L.巴特勒发射台和已提交的参与协议。
  • 个别学生/校友或团体有资格申请。任何团体的首席企业家都必须是巴布森的学生,beplay官网体育beplay官网体育巴布森矾或者是约翰·E.的奥林/韦尔斯利公司。and Alice L.Butler Launch Pad.如果一个小组由校友和学生组成,the status of the lead entrepreneur determines which challenge the group can apply for.首席企业家是指创业团队的成员和/或在初创企业中担任执行职务的人。A lead entrepreneur is not an employee,承包商,和/或初创公司的实习生。
  • 如果你是个学生,你需要一个教师资助者。通过我们的提交网站提交您的教员赞助商的截止日期是星期二,January 29 at 12pm EST.All we need from you is your professor's name and email.可以找到教员赞助者的职责在线。
  • The deadline to apply is Friday,2月8日东部时间下午12点。我们的提交要求是:
    • 教师赞助商(如适用)
    • 执行摘要-.doc中的两页限制,.docx或.pdf格式。
    • Slide deck—maximum 10 slides in .pptx,.ppt或.pdf格式。The 10 slide limit includes cover slide.滑板必须包括以下内容:emphasis will be placed on actions taken to date,tasks completed,以及推动合资企业向前发展的步骤:
      • 企业名称
      • 行业代表
      • 目标市场,include market analysis
      • 价值主张
      • 团队成员的背景/角色
      • Milestones completed to date (i.e.completed feasibility study,created website,etc.)
      • Timeline of future goals.
      • 机会的总体潜力(即has economic and/or social growth potential,在当前市场上可以自我维持,可以从潜在/现有客户那里获得收入,etc.)

Not interested in applying to the B.E.T.A.挑战?There are other ways to get involved:

If you are an alum of beplay官网体育Babson,you can help decide who gets to the semifinals!评估过程为2月14日至2月28日。All of our evaluators review and score each of our applications online.Selected faculty will review the top applicants from the alumni evaluations and will narrow down to the top six semifinalists at the underbeplay官网地址graduate,beplay官网地址graduate,以及校友会。立即注册成为评估者>>

Set up as a fair,你可以见见B.E.T.A.的半决赛选手。Challenge face-to-face starting at 4:30pm on Wednesday,April 3 on the ground floor of Olin Hall.Each semifinalist will have a booth where they will display their businesses and chat one-on-one with attendees,包括我们的匿名法官。作为风险投资博览会的参加者,你可以投你最喜欢的大学生的票,beplay官网地址beplay官网地址graduate,和我们的企业家做生意!

我们的决赛选手将于周四在一个评委小组面前出席。4月11日。Our distinguished judges will decide who are the winners of the underbeplay官网地址graduate,beplay官网地址graduate,以及校友B.E.T.A.Challenge.去年,我们的小组中有一些非常有成就的法官,including Stephen J.Congel '91,CEO,Pyramid;Dan Hermann MBA'10,co-founder,Paint Nite;Diane Hessan,Founder and Chairman,C空间;还有Janet Muto MBA'83,President,韦沃。With this year being the beplay官网体育Babson's Centennial,the B.E.T.A.Challenge finals will be better than ever.

Follow all things B.E.T.A.Challenge on our网站,Facebook,推特and一款图片分享应用,#beplay官网体育babsonbeta.