

This beplay官网体育post is written by Education Abroad Peer Advisor,乌苏拉·德金德20…

上周五标志着我被接纳参加金砖四国计划已经过去了整整一年。BRIC is a specially designed study abroad experience where beplay官网体育Babson liberal arts and entrepreneurship classes are taught alongside imbedded cultural excursions taking place across Russia,India,and China.很难相信就在一年前我还是个天真的大二学生,unaware of the incredible personal development I would soon undergo.除了适应三个截然不同的地点的挑战外,我们很容易看到这个计划,并了解严格的课程负荷是如何引导一个人走向成长的。然而,我已经认识到,在整个过程中,对挑战说“是”通常是最重要和最被忽视的步骤之一。

老实说,I was in denial regarding the prospect of spending a semester abroad in three distinct foreign countries with people I knew very little about.什么时候?我和朋友和熟人谈了我即将开始的冒险活动,这段经历让我觉得与自己的生活很隔绝。Looking at the past BRIC student's photos,申请签证,参加所有的出发前会议并没有让我觉得金砖四国更加真实。直到我买了旅行必需品,大量的驱虫剂,Advil,还有迷你旅行香波,days before arriving at beplay官网体育Babson,我被一个事实所震惊,那就是我正在为完全意想不到和未知的事情做准备。我感到不知所措,与如此多的恐惧搏斗:我会生病吗?我能和同伴交朋友吗?Was I going to miss my family?Would I be able to adapt?I was scared of the future-the worst part being that I had done all of this to myself.I had wanted to go on BRIC,filled out the application,进入程序,接受了邀请。一切都在我身上。

在课程开始的几天内,我确信自己不想再出国学习了。在这之前,我在生活中冒了很多险,但这次我觉得我把自己推得有点太远了,questioning if I could take on the challenge.Although my mother assured me that I did not have to go if I did not want to,I knew that I could not let my own fears hold me back from an experience of a lifetime.

It is easy to say "yes" by merely showing up when you are supposed to,然而,完全沉浸在一次经历中是另一个需要勇气做你自己的故事。一旦我们的出发前会议开始,我的焦虑并没有消散。I remained closed off from the group,afraid of rejection and being vulnerable with the cohort,all of whom I had not known before.在停止自愿参加团体联谊活动后,需要分享个人故事,我意识到必须付出些什么。为了最大限度地利用金砖四国的经验,我发现出现只是半场战斗,I had to dedicate action to words.To learn and grow you have to be vulnerable,make mistakes,and be engaged.一旦我开始接受与同伴分享自己,让他们更了解我,I was able to connect on a deeper level both within the group and within the cultures that surrounded me in each location.

有时候生活让我们害怕,but it's important to recognize these pivotal points in our life as opportunities to reflect on how far we have come and to continue to take leaps of faith,投入到新的体验中。And this all starts with the commitment to a simple,three letter word "yes".