

尽管所有的创业公司都是独特的,新的合资企业始终面临着一些相同的关键的早期选择,如添加的联合创始人,并采取他们的第一个外部资金的。如果你知道你会改变你如何增加你的风险,其接近这些选择给初创企业取得成功的最佳机会,?刚刚过去的这个星期二,#How2Tuesdaysmoved from the Blank Center to Luksic Hall to accommodate the large audience forHow 2 Have a Successful Startup.The man of the hour was Babson Entrepreneur in ResidenceJohn Landry,who is a serial entrepreneur, CTO, and investor. Drawing from his decades of experience in the world of tech entrepreneurship, Landry shared the recurring factors contributing to startup successes and failures. This was a How 2 Tuesday event filled with valuable insights, but here are some of our favorite lessons from Landry’s talk:


Best Way to Succeed: Avoiding Failure


Pitching to Investors? “Tee up the Problem”

As a serial CTO and investor, Landry has seen countless presentations from startups seeking funding from outside investors. He believes that many founders fail to set themselves up for fundraising success when pitching because they forget to take a step back and see things from their investors’ perspective. So what do investors want to see from startups? Building off of the importance of validating your market need, his main advice for pitching success is to “tee up the problem, then present the solution.” From his experience, this is the pitch structure which helps potential investors best understand the importance of your customers’ problem, and how your venture will grow by solving the problem.

“Do Things That Don’t Scale”


See how Babson entrepreneurs are solving problems by joining us for November 14th’s Rocket Pitch event. Learn more at2019babsonrp.eventbrite.com

我们希望你能喜欢从兰德里的谈话这些见解,那你整个学期检查了铸坯中心的2级如何周二的事件!10月29日周二,我们将举办2如何在启动的生命与塞缪尔“Mooly” Dinnar,教练与方案的谈判在哈佛大学,麻省理工学院附属研究机构,以及Meedance的创始人协商。注册该活动在https://h2eshipnegotiation.eventbrite.com,并检查了本学期的全部2个星期二如何安排在http://bit.ly/2019h2tuesdays