

塞缪尔“Mooly” Dinnar是对创业的谈判专家。在他的谈话,他向我们展示的是新创公司对谈判几乎恒定的机会!

Aside from pitching, one of the most important skills for an entrepreneur to master is negotiation. Entrepreneurs find themselves negotiating across all aspects of their venture, from raising funding to convincing co-founders to join their team. The Blank Center recently had the privilege of welcoming one of the foremost experts in entrepreneurial negotiation,塞缪尔“Mooly” Dinnar,对于如何周二2事件。Dinnar是哈佛大学的方案谈判的讲师,最近合着的书创业谈判劳伦斯萨斯坎德根据他几十年的研究和现场经验。在2如何在启动的人生协商,Dinnar分享了一些他的谈判建议,并回答巴布森的大学生创业者的问题。beplay官网体育下面是一些从事件我们最喜欢的见解!

Recognize your opportunities for negotiation:在传统意义上,企业家可能只考虑当谈到创建正式协定本身进行谈判。但随着Dinnar向我们解释,企业家们在谈判中几乎所有的时间配合。在与客户,投资者和员工的互动,企业家遇到独特的权衡这是谈判的机会。由于他研究为什么创业公司成功或失败的现有创业文献,Dinnar感到惊讶的是如此小的关注已经给予的谈判技巧的重要性。在Dinnar的经验,谁承认谈判的机会和企业家浏览他们若有所思最佳位置,为自己成功启动。说服优秀的企业家加入你的创业团队是一个密钥协商的一个最好的例子;你明白你未来的联合创始人的动机和关切,有什么可以为您提供以鼓励他们加入你的旅途成立?

谈判你的谈判的规范:What are some red flags entrepreneurs should be aware of when negotiating? From Dinnar’s perspective, establishing the norms of negotiation with the other party helps create a groundwork for a relationship built on trust. This means deciding from the get-go how the two parties will communicate as they negotiate, choosing both the medium and frequency of discourse. If the other party deviates from these pre-established norms, entrepreneurs should quickly reach out to re-negotiate or consider ending the relationship. Without these norms of negotiation, entrepreneurs might not know what to reasonably expect from the other party, or how they should be approaching the other party with their questions and updates.

It’s Global Entrepreneurship Week at Babson! To learn more about the special entrepreneurial programs available to the Babson community this week, visitthis link!

Viewing Negotiations from All Perspectives:During our How 2 Tuesdays this semester, we’ve heard time and time again from experts that most entrepreneurs trying to raise capital fail because they don’t take a step back and look at things from their potential investors’ perspectives. Dinnar is a proponent of viewing your entrepreneurial negotiations from three different perspectives: yours, the other party’s, and an outside observer. In particular, he recommends this skill for founders who find themselves struggling in their negotiations with venture capital partners. As entrepreneurs negotiate across cultures, Dinnar also suggests entrepreneurs become attuned to cultural norms influencing the negotiation. Ultimately, Dinnar sees improving awareness of your own ego and emotions, and focusing on connection and humility as the key precursors for founders’ success in these negotiations.

我们希望你能喜欢从Dinnar的谈话,这些谈判的见解,那你看看空白的休息中心的2级如何周二的事件这学期!周二,下午5点11月19日,我们将欢迎杰米Steenbakkers '18,共同创始人和首席运营官忙美容Babson Global Entrepreneur in Residence, forHow to Make a Product.注册该活动在https://h2product.eventbrite.com.