

全球创业周is an opportunity to celebrate and connect with entrepreneurs and innovators around the world – and here at Babson too.

在全球创业周的荣誉,我们将突出四个国际企业家谁是巴布森的网络的一部分,由于beplay官网体育Global Entrepreneur in Residence (GEIR) program。The GEIR program enables international entrepreneurs who are well underway in setting up a business to qualify for an H-1B visa, which allows them to stay in the United States and continue to work on their companies. They work in the co-working spaces at Babson’s Wellesley and Boston campuses and access resources for their businesses through the铸坯中心。In turn, they contribute to Babson’s vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem by mentoring and guiding student and alumni entrepreneurs, speaking at events and in classes, and supporting academic and research initiatives.

Jamie Steenbakkers ’18, Busy Beauty

As a first year student at Babson trying to juggle classes, sports, part-time jobs, and friends, Jamie realized that she needed beauty products that would help her cut down her get-ready time. Leveraging the resources of theButler Launch Pad和the intensive夏季创业WIN Lab程序,杰米和她的联合创始人迈克尔·莱希'18完善的原型并推出了忙美容品牌。今天,忙美容帮助妇女准备用其线showerless美容产品速度更快,可以在床Bath&Beyond公司,美国之鹰,亚马逊和许多其他零售商。作为一个盖尔,杰米工作在办公时间巴布森的学生和校友企业家beplay官网体育和将率领在制造产品的会话周二,11月19日为铸坯中心的2如何周二系列的一部分。

Mayuresh Soni MBA’16, Teplo

As a MBA student, Mayuresh was a member of the IoT club and was working on a smart daily device that paired with a mobile app. He realized this sort of pairing could be applied to other use cases. Mayuresh and co-founder Kazunori Kawanobe MBA’16 decided to apply the technology to tea, since the cultural experience of drinking tea is important to both of them. Their product Teplo is a智能茶壶,让茶客泡茶的一个真正独特的杯。团队recently raised $650,000在预先钱500万$的估值。这是继several successful Kickstarters


乔是CEO和创始人第一滴血,汇集blockchain并在电子竞技游戏启动。As a finance student, he was involved in digital currency as early as 2013, and he became fascinated by how the technology could go way beyond currency. Joe was actually Babson’s first Global Entrepreneur in Residence and he is grateful to the GEIR program for the opportunity to obtain his H-1B visa and to continue to build his business here in the US. As a GEIR, he has mentored entrepreneurs in the Babson ecosystem and领导如何周二2届

Akhil Suresh Nair MBA’18, Parzenn Partners

AKHIL共同创立商业咨询公司Parzenn合作伙伴与其他巴布森明矾丹尼·沙beplay官网体育阿,也MBA'18。AKHIL和丹尼是巴特勒发射台队列,通过他们获得宝贵的反馈和支持的成员。今天,Parzenn合作伙伴对问题的中小型企业,如业务流程和数据分析工作。该小组的工作了铸坯中心共同工作的空间,所以AKHIL是一个众所周知的脸。他经常工作与企业家和下班时间,鼓励他们采取行动对付他们的创业目标,并在最近提交2如何拓展您的服务业务, sharing his insights and experiences building important relationships for his business.

