
2020 Summer Catalyst Startup Profile: Exidio

丹Edlebeck MBA'20是CEO和创始人Exidio,一个软件解决方案公司,提供必备的前端应用程序与分布式,分散的虚拟专用网络(VPN)连接。在2017年,丹的新兴技术,数据隐私和安全性的激情,促使他与连接哨兵,an open source decentralized VPN. After finishing his MBA at Babson, Dan entered夏季催化剂并一直积极致力于自己的软件公司,Exidio整合,与哨兵。

Unlike a traditional centralized VPN, the Sentinel VPN architecture includes individuals from all around the world who share their bandwidth from their own internet service providers to a network in a peer-to-peer fashion. Dan’s startup Exidio helps both individuals and businesses integrate with Sentinel and reap the benefits of a secure, user friendly, and distributed VPN. Furthermore, Exidio does not have access to user information. It is building a multi-hop architecture so that users can route their internet traffic through multiple individual nodes within the network. The data is encrypted and decrypted at each hop. In addition, all of Exidio’s software is open source and it leverages open source VPN protocols to increase transparency.

Exidio’s first product, the Sentinel dVPN application, is available on Google Play, Mac, PC, and Linux: “We have seen significant traction with our first application: over 50,000 downloads on Google Play Store, over 75,000 users across the platforms, and around 2,000 to 3,000 users at any given time. Now more than ever, consumers are recognizing that there are ways to protect their data, but our centralized players are not ones we can rely on.” As the demand for distributed networks, data privacy, and security soars, Dan has been exploring use cases that would enable Exidio to interact with enterprise customers, while also building tailored solutions for different demographics. The transition to remote environments due to COVID-19 has further accelerated the demand for online privacy.

在夏季催化剂,丹发现从他的同龄人,导师和顾问非常有益的支持。例如,他的顾问,马特·考尔菲尔德,has helped them to position the company and search for investment, fundraising, and donation opportunities. As a recent Hot Seat participant, Dan received extensive feedback from the cohort and looks forward to building a revised deck and pitching investors. His ultimate milestone is to officially incorporate Exidio. Although the process is a bit more complex than initially expected, the team has gained insights from legal office hours in Summer Catalyst and is working with its own legal team to finalize the incorporation process. The Lunch & Learn sessions have taught Dan how to pivot, overcome obstacles, leverage community networks, and operate more efficiently.

据丹,大约是一个企业家中最有价值的部分涉及建立一个产品,这将有助于其他人有更大的在线隐私:“这件事情,每个人都对球队是如此的多情左右。我们也看到我们的劳动清单的成果转化为实际产品,将提高安全性,并产生积极的影响。看到你的努力结出硕果 - 这是最有价值的部分。”丹也想分享五个忠告对有抱负的企业家:一:要有耐心,对创业之旅是一个长期的过程,耐心是必不可少的。二:作出努力,让更多人来连接,您可以和开放给不同的观点。三:不要害怕与他人分享你的想法并获得建议。允许他人激励你,给你的反馈,并帮助你前进。好奇和寻求建议可以增加你成功的机会。四:收听播客并与其他企业家的发言,听到他们的故事,从他们的经验中学习。五:去划船! Making time for self care, meditation, or exercise, can help boost your productivity; so take breaks to engage in activities that bring you joy and allow you to rest and reset.
