
2020 Summer Catalyst Startup Profile: Cabana Health

If your data is about you, then shouldn’t you have access to it and be able to use it?卡巴纳健康Co-founder MacBrennan Peet ‘22 started out with a broad interest in data democratization and quickly found his niche: health. He began to think about the power of health and wellness data and how it truly shows a complete version of yourself. And he started to wonder about the ways you could use this data if you were empowered to do so.

Macbrennan对健康技术的兴趣进一步进一步进一步,他与他的联合创始人Tom Liu联系在2020年3月,他是一名棕色大学生。他们通过LinkedIn连接,在咖啡中遇到咖啡,然后点击。从那以后,他们在Cabana Health工作很难。


在夏季催化剂中,两人与他们的顾问密切合作大卫张, who, in their words, is a “huge plus.” As they’ve received some initial investor interest, David has helped them to think through and understand terms. As well, Summer Catalyst sessions and office hours on legal and fundraising have been great opportunities to learn more.



What’s important to know about Cabana Health is the emphasis on team. MacBrennan and Tom want to encourage connection, not competition, between users: “Everything we do is in a team setting.”

这也适用于自己的团队。虽然Macbrennan和Tom可能正在构建平台的不同方面,他们一起建造了Cabana Health Business。

要了解有关Cabana Health的更多信息,请访问它websiteand check out itsTwitter,Instagram, 和Facebook.