Living Entrepreneurship Blog/作者:Lisa Chen

How To: Survive Finals with Music

By Joey Mensah: Finals don't start until this Friday,and already I feel like it started on Monday.虽然决赛时很容易感到压力,尤其是在巴布森,beplay官网体育one thing that of course keeps me sane is music.But for me,我有特定类型的歌曲要听在每个阶段的…


伊恩·施兰泽:音乐在电影还没有成熟之前就已经成为电影产业的重要组成部分。During silent films,会有音乐伴奏,包括钢琴或全套管弦乐队,playing throughout the movie.Usually,the pianist would improvise music for the film,highlighting drama,行动,and love scenes with music.…



The Unexpected Pleasure of Avenue Q

Joey Mensah;So,我知道我必须参加这部音乐剧,因为这是我在美国商务课程中戏剧的一个课堂要求。我不是最喜欢音乐剧的人,所以我真的不想去参加。然后我听说它是由木偶主演的,and I was even more confused…

Color Therapy for your House and Workplace."Color is light,光就是生命

By Tavishi Kanoria: Stressed?Depressed?Easily annoyed/irritated?Feel fatigued or excessively tired lately?Throw away those anxiety and depression meds and embrace color therapy instead.Color therapy is an enjoyable,以我们身体中发现的脉轮为基础的补充和替代药物的低风险形式。它的好处有时是显而易见的:我们觉得…


By Andres Riofrio;对艺术最大的误解是什么是艺术。目前,要成为一名艺术家,你必须成为一名音乐家,a painter,a sculpture,舞蹈演员,or something along those lines.You are not considered to be an artist if you are a film animator,a 3D modeler or…

Healing through the Arts: Let Go!大胆点,让它展现出来!

By Tavishi Kanoria Today I want to introduce the concept of "Intuitive Painting".The intuitive painting process is about putting brush to paper and seeing what unfolds.它是关于观察内心和倾听你直觉的声音。This process will nurture you and feed your soul,help you become more creative,and let your inner…

The Change of Music

By Ian Schranze Recently,Boston has seen diverse genres of musical concerts happening throughout the city.  They range from pop to rock to classical music.不幸的是,在过去的十年里,被低估的古典音乐市场一直在迅速下滑。对于参加数百年前死亡者音乐会的社区成员来说…


Joey Mensah;So this past week,Drake's third album titled Nothing Was the Same was officially released in stores and online on Tuesday,9月24日。Drake,being the clear leader of hip-hop in this generation (in terms of success),has proved again what this generation needs to learn: don't ever let anyone kill your…

Thoughts on David Akiba's "Sightlines" Exhibit

摄影师大卫·阿基巴的展览“观光线”于3月28日至5月25日在巴布森学院的霍利斯特展出。beplay官网体育尼科尔·菲舍尔:通常,when thinking about a photograph that captures your attention and gets you thinking,你想到一张视觉上令人兴奋的照片…一张充满活力的照片。大卫阿基巴的“观光”展览让我…