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SEDEX: Going Beyond Compliance Saves the Planet


SEDEX是一家非营利性组织,旨在简化对每个人都有利的业务。It is the world's largest collaborative platform for sharing responsible sourcing data on supply chains,and offers tools to help its members manage their performance around labour rights,health and safety,the environment,以及商业道德。Every year,Sedex brings together its members in an annual conference to share ideas and advance the Sedex mission.

This year,I was fortunate to have been sponsored by the Affinity Scholarship,and was able to attend the Sedex Conference 2018.会议的主题超出了合规性,and the discussions were exactly that.每届会议的中心都是供应链在组织中的作用如何演变为不仅仅是高效和合规,but to be strategic and value creating for all stakeholders.Sedex aims to position the supply chain function as a strategic function,responsible not just to deliver what their organizations need to operate efficiently,但世卫组织也有责任建立弹性供应链,为所有利益攸关方创造价值。

从第一天的第一次会议开始,Sedex's CEO,Jonathan Ivelaw-Chapman set the tone as one of urgent change.In just 12 months since the last conference,世界变得更加分裂和危险。他引用的令人清醒的统计数据表明,没有时间浪费了。又有750万人流离失所,又有4000人被贩运,关闭更多边框。Action must be taken because it isn't about politics or ideology – "it is about human beings".From that moment,我知道我选择了参加正确的会议。

在接下来的两天里,我接触到了一种新的思考供应链的方式。I learned that the new era of supply chain functions were ones that:

  • 超越审计和合规性,与供应商合作,推动长期的积极变化。
  • 通过提供非工作技能培训,帮助工人提高与家人的生活质量,授权并使其员工建立更强大的社区。
  • Making it the responsibility of everyone to identify trafficked or exploited workers
  • Tried to find ways to build healthier environments

The key themes and takeaways from the Conference were that in order to create social and environmental value:

  • 供应链思维的变革对于赋予供应链所需工具的能力是必要的。
  • 管理层和工人之间的协作越来越必要,在供应商和客户之间,and between companies and societies
  • Moving beyond the minimum audit and compliance,and focusing on building value is necessary
  • The recognition that it is everyone's responsibility to create the world that we want to see,并赋予组织相应的权力

All in all,the Conference was enlightening and invigorating.In an increasingly divisive and dangerous world,it was inspiring to know that professionals from hundreds of multinational conglomerates were discussing real strategic frameworks and actionable steps to help build a better world and to write a new set of best practices – one that goes beyond compliance and saves the world.

This beplay官网体育post was written by Haslina Ali MBA‘18.