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Every MBA student dreams of being a consultant – finishing that fancy presentation while sipping on the 3rd cup of coffee,occasionally looking through the big glass window to see the sun setting behind the city skyline.Is that what a regular day is like at the Boston Consulting Group?We don't know yet,但是巴布beplay官网体育森确实为你准备了一个这样的一天beplay官网体育巴布森咨询联盟项目.

巴布森咨beplay官网体育询联盟项目(BCAP)是众多项目之一。Signature Learning Experiences您将作为beplay官网体育巴布森工商管理硕士.BCAP是第一年第二学期为期14周的学分课程。You are part of a 5-6 member group and each group is assigned a partner organization who they work with to recommend a solution to a real world problem.

My group of 5 – an American with a PhD in the healthcare field,one Peruvian在农业领域有丰富的经验,一名有咨询经验的美国人和一名有客户关系经验的中国人被分配到Partners Healthcare Innovation.合作伙伴医疗保健创新是合作伙伴医疗保健,波士顿地区15家医院组成的非营利性协会。起初,we wondered why we were assigned to a healthcare company;based on our experience we should have been assigned to a consumer goods company.

在第一节BCAP课程中,我们的导师,professorMark Carr,gave us insight into the project.我们对合作伙伴医疗保健创新的任务是帮助他们开发一种虚拟现实设备的进驻市场和定价策略,该设备将被放射科医生用于癌症检测。这意味着我们必须研究虚拟现实产品,其特点,它的最终用户是谁,用户愿意为这种产品支付多少价格。我们很高兴地了解到医疗保健和该设备在癌症治疗中的应用。By the end of the first week,我们计划与客户会面进行正式介绍,并讨论项目的目标。

我的团队每周在我们的角落办公室(也就是我们指定的BCAP室)开会,在那里我们起草工作范围,define timelines and deliverables and have bi-weekly calls with our client.我们会向客户更新我们的调查结果,确保我们与我们的研究保持一致,并为客户提供价值。

BCAP不仅让您了解客户行业的详细信息,同时也获得了对the clients and industry of clients of other teams.在我们的BCAP课程中,教授促进了一个讨论,鼓励团队与客户甚至团队内部讨论他们面临的问题。一个团队有5-6个不同的人,你肯定会有一些不同,学习如何从每个人的经历中处理不同的个性是很好的。

在我们第一次BCAP会议之后的五个星期里,we as a team,are now so involved with our client and the VR product that all the client references have switched from you and your company to "we".我们觉得我们是公司的一部分,产品也是我们的宝贝,我们希望看到它在市场上成功推出。We go above and beyond the scope of the project with our research because of just the interest we have developed in the use of VR in healthcare that we have to keep reminding ourselves,也许我们走得太远了。I think that consultant sipping his coffee overlooking the skyline as he completes his presentation would be a tad bit jealous of us working in the BCAP.