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Choosing the Right MBA Concentration

Remember that time in school when they asked you what you want to be in the future?One year you wanted to be a firefighter and the next a doctor and an architect in another.While asking myself what MBA concentration I wanted to pursue,I was in a similar situation.

The beplay官网体育Babson MBAoffers you the opportunity to pursue two out of five concentrationsacross areas that of significant importance in today's dynamic world.After running through a few options,I decided to pursue the business analyticsand marketingconcentration.Here's what helped me make my decision:

职业目标:The exposure you get in the first year through the different courses of strategy,marketing,analytics,finance and entrepreneurship,是一个很好的开始识别你兴趣的地方。在教授们的帮助下,了解这一领域的职业需要什么,you will be able to narrow down your options.

Having a background in marketing and an inclination towards consumer psychology,I knew marketing was definitely going to be one of my concentrations.

行业趋势:After narrowing down your main field of interest,了解该领域当前的发展趋势是很重要的。Today no marketing campaign can be planned without having access to and understanding a ton of consumer data.能够检测出你需要请求什么数据,以及你可以用这些数据做什么,这是一种很好的优势。课程如营销分析,Business Intel可视化和数据科学简介将帮助您逐步处理数据,从而推动市场营销活动并留住客户。

Knowing that there is a strong demand for these skills in the field of marketing,I decided upon my second concentration – business analytics.这条赛道上的课程教你从基本的分割和定位到在R中运行回归模型和决策树。

Hunger to Learning:尽管追求两种浓度,the beplay官网体育Babson MBA program is designed in such a way that it gave me the flexibility to choose more courses outside of the courses required for the chosen concentrations.Entrepreneurship and financial modelling did peak my interests in the first year.These interests drove me to choose New Venture Creation and Equities as additional courses to my concentration.新的创业创造可以帮助你思考创业和经营的方方面面。Things like understanding your consumer,defining your customer value proposition and projecting future cash flows can be applied to your own business as well as any corporate role.
