beplay官网地址研究生博客/ Author: Lily Awad

Lily Awad


On Wednesday July 18th,来自MBA/MS波士顿职业协会*的职业服务专业人士在F.W.主办的年度职业发展日聚会。Olin School of Business at beplay官网体育Babson College.Forty career development professionals were in attendance,包括巴布森的研究生Cbeplay官网体育CD工作人员。和过beplay官网地址去几年一样,one highlight of this event is the opportunity…

Lily Awad


For international students who wish to stay in the U.S.毕业后,气候似乎很恶劣,但你有选择。Please consult some of the programs listed below and reach out for more information!beplabeplay官网地址y官网体育Post-Graduate Consulting Fellowship: Work with a local small business during your OPT on a part-time basis.项目提供给……

Lily Awad

The Business of Sports: My Experience at the MIT Sports Analytics Conference

作者:Michael Perlis,MBA Class 2018  &  beplay官网地址Graduate Affinity Scholar  Are you still looking for that coveted internship or full-time job?I am and it's not so easy.  What is it that companies look for in their candidates?It is impossible to find out exactly what they are looking for,however,I was able to…

Lily Awad

An International Alum's Patient Quest to Landing a Job in the U.S.

Srihari Balasubramanian is an alum of the two year MBA class of 2016.Originally from India with a background in engineering,Srihari has experience as a project manager in Europe and in corporate development for a manufacturing firm in India.目前,斯里哈里在宾夕法尼亚州的一家医疗设备公司从事企业发展工作。Srihari shares…

Lily Awad


今年,two MBA students were awarded the beplay官网地址Graduate Affinity Scholarship to participate in the annual Miami Treks and Connect event.Pedro Dorta(MBA'18)和Eduardo Patitucci Saieh(MBA'17)在一个由两部分组成的博客中分享了他们对事件的看法。如果你有兴趣了解更多关于巴布森迈阿密之旅或毕业生的信息…beplay官网地址beplay官网体育

Lily Awad

CCD's Holiday Job Search Guide

更新日期:2018年11月12日,寒假就在拐角处,很快你就有空进入求职流程。现在是时候为你的假期网络活动计划最大限度的寒假了。阅读下面的CCD建议以开始学习,and feel free to comment…

Lily Awad


By Elvis Ge,MBA 17和毕业beplay官网地址生亲和力会议学者想象坐在你从波士顿到旧金山的6小时飞行。You arrived a bit early and so easily find your seat by the window.You look out,你想想当你到达的时候你计划去哪家餐馆,and then you take…

Lily Awad


By Ayush Singhal,Akash Veershetty,and Karthik Raju,beplay官网体育Babson MBA students and Affinity Scholars  It is no surprise that technology has penetrated our lives,在某种程度上,它比我们自己更了解我们。Technology is the new religion and Silicon Valley is the Mecca.坚定地相信这一声明并期待…

Lily Awad


伯纳多继承人,MBA一年(2017年)和研究生亲和力会议学beplay官网地址者Bernardo Heiremans,a One Year MBA at beplay官网体育Babson College,discusses his experience attending the Prospanica Conference as an Affinity Scholar and international student from Chile.  The Prospanica conference is the premier gathering of Hispanic business professionals,企业家,emerging leaders,大学和公司…