beplay官网地址Graduate Blog/ Tag: International Student Stories


Babsbeplay官网体育on MSEL教练经验

Babsbeplay官网体育on MSEL的指导经验在一年中有两次与创建课程有关。Here,学生们通过巴布森与创业教育网络(NFTE)的合作,分享他们对新创业的热情和知识。beplay官网体育MSEL students have the opportunity to coach aspiring high school entrepreneurs in low income communities in fall…

Nishant Udeshi

The 3 Cs of My First Year at beplay官网体育Babson

Now that I'm down to the last classes of the first year of my Two-Year MBA program,a series of flashbacks is playing in my head: Orientation.My first meeting with the Signature Learning Group.技术商标。BCAP client calls.项目工作的深夜。As I look back,Steve Jobs' "it's all about the journey"…

Nishant Udeshi

2018 beplay官网地址Graduate International Dinner

At beplay官网体育Babson,you come prepared to indulge in diversity in the form of cultures and traditions from an array of countries.Knowing how eager students are to present their culture,我们的研beplay官网地址究生理事会每年组织一次国际晚宴。But this is no ordinary dinner.Groups of students from each country form teams and…

Nishant Udeshi

beplay官网体育Babson X Cisco酿酒商营销挑战

不是每个星期一在巴布森都是一样的。beplay官网体育Some are challenging.最令人振奋。Monday April 9th was the more exciting kind;来自南塔基特的思科酿酒公司,Massachusetts,came to campus for a marketing challenge organized by the beplay官网体育Babson Marketing Club.这些挑战让学生有机会体验品牌经理的生活。俱乐部…

Nishant Udeshi

Unity in Diversity: The beplay官网体育Babson Latin American Forum

Hola,C?.Well,在巴布森为期两年的MBA课程中,感谢来自中美洲和南美洲的朋友们,这就是我完善西班牙语的程度。beplay官网体育我在这里的时候,我和秘鲁和墨西哥的朋友们进行了几次短途旅行,结果发现我们的文化有多么相似。So when I heard…

Nishant Udeshi

Gaining Hands-On Consulting Experience with BCAP


Nishant Udeshi

Entrepreneurship Beyond Venture Creation: My Why beplay官网体育Babson Story

Signature Learning Experience (SLE)?What's that?这看起来很有趣。Those were my thoughts as a prospective beplay官网地址graduate student,navigating beplay官网体育Babson College's Two-Year MBA program curriculum.我找到巴布森是因beplay官网体育为我在找一所能专注于创业的学校。As I read through the course offerings and curriculum,有两件事特别突出…

Nishant Udeshi

Finding a Home Away from Home: beplay官网体育Babson India Symposium

As we sat in the Sorensen Theater listening to Nishtha Yogesh MBA ‘18 practice the opening address,it felt like only yesterday we were sitting in an Olin classroom discussing the marketing plan of the third beplay官网体育Babson India Symposium – Best of a Billion Minds.In her speech,Nishtha talks about what the beplay官网体育Babson India…

Nishant Udeshi


The beplay官网体育Babson Club fair was the most anticipated event for all proactive first years during our orientation week.The most praised club and event at the fair was the ‘beplay官网体育Babson Entrepreneurship Forum,' one of many large-scale events organized by beplay官网地址graduate students each year.The BEF and other student forums attract national and international corporations,industry…