




Foreign national founders with the OAF team.

丹妮尔高盛(BabsonWIN Lab WINner’19-20) set up开放大道基金会(OAF)以帮助美国雇主,因为候选人是一个外国人谁没有在平时的随机年度彩票赢得签证谁也不会雇佣他们的首选。Consistent with U.S. immigration laws, Danielle did this by creating the opportunity for such candidates to work with students from Open Avenues’ partner universities for a minimum of five hours per week, thereby giving them the freedom to, concurrently, legally work for their fulltime employer.

Now, Danielle has also found a way to help aspiring foreign national entrepreneurs who want to stay and serve communities during the COVID-19 crisis by establishing the Social Innovation Incubator Program (SIIP).


Here are highlights of our recent conversation:

问:We don’t hear debates about immigration law being framed as a matter of individual liberty, but isn’t this really about the freedom of U.S. employers to hire whom they want, and also the freedom of talented and motivated people to contribute to the U.S. economy and society?

A:是!这是他们的自由,通过他们的工作做出贡献,还是现在,通过建立新的企业,帮助当地社区获得通过COVID-19的危机。我们投入了训练这些人 - 通过大学和学院在这里 - 在这个惊人的人力资本......而现在,我们将失去他们?当他们即将帮助当地社区在这里的美国?



问:你的故事说明了实际情况下的一个主题and guest speakers this semester: that legal astuteness is a lens of strategy – that is, being familiar with the law can help us ask the right questions, and see opportunities that others miss. Anything you want to add to this point?

A:beplay官网体育巴布森是,相信伟大的想法,并促进智能冒险的环境的机构。有许多我一起谁也听不懂开始在这样一个高度管制的空间组织的概念在路上遇见的人。大家通过我开放大道的使命,我们开发的解决方案巴布森WIbeplay官网体育N实验室,包括你,亚当 - 锯价值满足。我对这种类型的安慰,鼓励和支持的感谢 - 特别是现在,当所有的企业家的适应能力正在经受考验。


A:Buried within the economic and health crisis the country is facing due to COVID-19, our country is challenged with a new immigration crisis—one that significantly impacts international student graduates seeking employment or starting their own ventures. The impact could stymie the future of innovation and entrepreneurship in the U.S. that is driven by global talent.


A:有极少数的方式为应届毕业生合法在美国工作。beplay官网地址所有毕业beplay官网地址生有1-3岁选择性实习训练(OPT),但只有当他们的OPT到期相对较少的可能留在美国。H-1B身份是首要的解决方案,但是H-1B限于85,000新批每一会计年度,随机的基础上选定的。This challenge has been amplified due to COVID-19 for three main reasons:

  1. H-1B requires the employer to prove it has the funds to pay the fair prevailing wage. This is particularly stressful in today’s economic downturn caused by COVID-19.
  2. 该法从赞助H-1B申请,如果用人单位在六个月提交的H-1B申请的范围内裁员或下岗职工在同一职业禁止雇主。COVID-19已迫使许多裁员。
  3. 许多美国雇主目前有因COVID-19冻结招聘。

The results have been devastating for many, but especially true for foreign nationals who rely on H-1B jobs for their ability to remain in the United States.

问:I told my students about you and Open Avenues. Some asked if they can (1) form their own LLC to (2) hire themselves, and (3) use the framework of Open Avenues to get the needed visa status (by respecting the obligations that this entails – mentioned further below)?


  1. The U.S. entity must provide evidence proving it controls the day-to-day work of the employee—this is difficult (but not impossible) for founders who want to sponsor themselves.
  2. 美国实体必须证明它能够付得起公平现行工资的工作,实际上实体必须支付这笔工资。有没有汗股权在H-1B方面允许的。

问:What is the legal status of Open Avenues Foundation (OAF)?

A:OAF is an “H-1B cap-exempt organization”, meaning OAF can sponsor H-1B work status for its employees at any time of the year, without the need of entering and winning the annual H-1B lottery.



对于谁有beplay官网地址美国雇主承诺赞助他们的毕业生,但谁没有赢得H-1B的彩票,有畸形儿全球人才奖学金程序。OAF提供这项奖学金的机会,与STEM重点毕业生,并与他们的雇主工作,以促进帽豁免Hbeplay官网地址-1B工作签证,使他们留下来工作BOTH OAF和专职雇主。

For founders of social impact initiatives,OAF推出社会创新孵化器which offers international student graduates an opportunity to stay and build their initiative in the U.S. OAF hires social entrepreneurs to work on their ventures part-time with support, resources, and guidance from OAF, and sponsors them for cap-exempt H-1B work visas. Together, OAF and the social innovators work to improve outcomes for communities across the U.S.



问:What obligations do recent graduates have to fulfill to get a visa through these channels (within the frameworks offered by Open Avenues that are, in turn, built upon a solid and uncontroversial foundation in U.S. immigration law)?



A:用人单位支付给我们我们通过全球人才奖学金计划确保及时为他们所需的工人的签证状态服务。他们往往是非常肯定的,在经历了职业道德到某个雇员后,没有人会那么好 - 让他们知道它是100%值得付出我们的服务。In the case of our Social Innovation Incubator, as the fiscal sponsor, we receive 12% of grants that they will receive – and in exchange for that, we develop and support the social entrepreneur (whose idea we’ve already vetted and believe in) and pay them a part-time salary as they fund-raise, and, as a local non-profit, we are the legal avenue (that otherwise would not exist to a foreign national) for applying for grants to help local communities.

问:最后,我收集像你的故事书时,至尊创业(这是传情内容的链接)- 在危机中创业的任何意见,当现实可以从一天到一天,甚至一小时的以小时改变?

A:It’s incredibly scary. But the potential outcomes for global talent, local companies, and U.S. society make it worth trying.

To learn more, here are the links again to开放式基金途径并向妇女中心的创业领导(CWEL)时,获胜实验室的家在巴布森beplay官网体育