教员与领导博客/ Author: Digital Experience Initiative (dXi)

The Future of Work: Adapt or Be Left Behind

beplay官网体育Post by David Finger A global pool of on-demand talent is now available at our fingertips creating opportunities for entrepreneurs and corporations alike.有了这个新的机会,就有了新的管理层,技术,and social challenges. Organizations must figure out how to best utilize the global workforce,从招聘到管理,或者被那些…


beplay官网体育Adam Sanders的文章虽然虚拟现实(VR)几十年来激发了发明家和研究人员的想象力,主要的使能技术,头戴式显示器(HMD)非常笨重,昂贵的,并且在选择方面受到限制。在2016年发生了变化,"the year of virtual reality," when five different companies released consumer-aimed HMDs,这可以提供…

How Technology is Reshaping Our Dining Experiences

beplay官网体育Melissa Castro发布的“体验式用餐体验”传统上包括一顿美味的晚餐,搭配完美的客户服务和良好的氛围。We can agree this was true a decade ago,但现在情况已经发生了变化,风险更大。Eating out is no longer a simple activity.Today,it requires…

Blockchain Is Not Magic

beplay官网体育Post by Douglas Antin Wait…What's Blockchain Again?好啊,所以也许你或者你认识的人可以用一个简短的解释来解释什么是区块链。区块链使对等(P2P)交易能够使用具有大量计算能力(加密功能)的复杂数学来消除中间人执行交易的需要。去除…


beplay官网体育由宾西·保罗发帖,MBA候选人,与教授Ruben Mancha Technology is evolving towards us.我们的设备,用于操作简单的开/关开关,can now feel our touch,听我们说,talk to us,甚至承认我们。As a manager or entrepreneur,you should acknowledge this evolution and design your products to…


beplay官网体育Post by Danielle Krcmar,Associate Director of Visual Arts Did you know that an actress,Hedy Lamarand a composer,George Antheil发明者是否负责确保手机信息不容易被截取的信号技术?The encryption technology known as frequency hopping was far ahead of its time,专利…

Scarce Data: How Aquadat is Pushing the Water Industry to Embrace Data

beplay官网体育Post by Ross Chesnick (MBA '17),主任,增长与战略伙伴关系,与ruben mancha教授合作的Aquadat“今天的水市场并不合理。对于一个初创企业来说,导航是一件令人望而生畏的事情。the problem is more market-based than technology-based."1 Brook Porter of Kleiner Caulfield and Byers Green Growth Fund has a point.水是…


beplay官网体育由Ruben Mancha和Sinan Erzurumlu发布的数字技术,如云计算,analytics,artificial intelligence (AI),物联网(IOT)块链,mobile computing,增强的现实正在为公司带来前所未有的连通性,its customers,partners,and even competitors.These fast-evolving and increasingly complementary technologies are poised to work together with high efficiency in the…

The Irresistible Rise of Internet of Things

beplay官网体育Post by Sinan Erzurumlu The next industrial revolution is knocking at your door.Is your company ready for it?The new industry is spurred by interconnected digital technologies,such as artificial intelligence,sophisticated sensors,the Internet of Things (IoT),data analytics,and mobile devices.物联网在这些技术方面正准备带来前所未有的水平…