教员与领导博客/ Tag: beplay官网体育Babson Executive Education


Sustaining Innovation: beplay官网体育Babson Professor Phil Dover

Philip A.Dover teaches marketing and strategy topics at beplay官网体育Babson's Executive Education and market strategy in the Babson College MBA program.  At BEE,he has led custom executive education programs on strategic market management and corporate entrepreneurship topics for major companies such as Sony,英飞凌科技,还有Draeger。他与这些客户合作的方式…



H.James Wilson,巴布森执行教育高级研究员,beplay官网体育Elaine J.艾森曼Dean of beplay官网体育Babson Executive Education,write in a Harvard Business Review blog beplay官网体育post on long-term approach to talent development: "Rather than creating a long development arc for talent,组织对人们进行短时间的教育,通常是不相关的突发事件。Our research of more…


Leadership and Influence: beplay官网体育Babson Professor Allan Cohen

科恩教授持有爱德华A。马登是全球领导力的杰出教授。He recently served two years as the interim dean of the beplay官网地址graduate program.博士。Cohen completed seven years as vice president of academic affairs and dean of faculty.A consultant on organizational change for companies such as GE,he helped found the Indian…



Bob Caspe: beplay官网体育Babson College and BM&FBOVESPA have partnered to deliver a program specifically designed for Brazilian entrepreneurs.该计划将重点关注一批高潜力企业的需求和目标,这些企业有潜力通过出口增长和创造就业对巴西经济作出重大贡献。The entrepreneurs…


beplay官网体育巴布森行政教育学院:PJ Guinan

博士。桂南是信息技术管理系副教授,在管理系任教。She teaches multi-disciplinary courses in information technology,跨职能团队合作,organization design,organization change,以及管理策略。She is the author of an international award-winning book entitled Patterns of Excellence for IS Professionals: An Analysis of Communication Behavior.Dr.…


beplay官网体育Babson Executive Education Faculty: Chris Hennesey

Chris Hennessey教授曾为西门子等公司领导和教授过许多定制高管教育项目。美国运通,特雷诺尔Pitney BowesNovell,Infineon,Sony,盟军多米克哈特福德金融服务公司,史密斯集团and others.He has taught in many areas around the world including the United States,England,Norway,the Netherlands,Germany,土耳其Hungary,…


Profit-Destroying Innovations

beplay官网体育Babson的Ankush Chopra将创新视为商业的圣杯。But "Rogue Innovations" create havoc and destroy business profits.His research offers lessons to firms that may be facing such profit-destroying innovations.



在这次圆桌讨论中,伊莲·艾森曼,Dean of beplay官网体育Babson Executive Education,巴布森教beplay官网体育授的魅力,迈克尔·罗伯托,Jay RaoPaulMulligan讨论了公司如何在向其组织注入最新创新思维的同时管理风险。Business leaders cannot predict the future in this increasingly uncertain world.So we must begin to…