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beplay官网体育巴布森研究生业beplay官网地址务:悬浮窗 - 退伍军人资源审核通过兽医


To honor those who serve this Veterans Day, and to thank one of our very own Babson graduate student veterans for her service, we caught up with Courtney Wilson M’17 about her newly-launched startup – DropZone: Veteran Resources Vetted by Vets.

What is DropZone?

考特尼: DropZone is a mobile app that connects veterans with non-government resources, programs and benefits, all of which have been rated and reviewed by fellow veterans. The resources are presented using a swipe-left, swipe-right interface so veterans can quickly identify and connect with relevant organizations.

今天,在退伍军人节,悬浮窗已经正式推出了包括Indiegogo竞选筹集资金,帮助开展业务。Click here了解更多支持的事业!

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and the inspiration behind the app?

拖放区考特尼:我是一名前陆军上尉工程师和经验丰富的老兵。我担任多年六年半,而自去年八月回国后,我已经使用超过$ 20,000现有资源专门为我作为一个老兵。这些都包含在谷歌,一个免费一年的会员资格LinkedIn溢价,20无偿从哈佛大学毕业的科学家神经反馈会议,多的招聘经理一整天的恢复研讨会。

Yet when I talk to my fellow veterans, they’ve used nothing – $0. This is common. Of the 21.8 million veterans in America, 53% have never used a single resource that’s available to them.



What led you to Babson?


你是什么r goals for DropZone and as a student here at Babson?


What advice would you give a fellow veteran looking to pursue an entrepreneurial venture?

考特尼:对于任何老将希望进入创业,我想说...来BABSON!beplay官网体育真的。beplay官网体育巴布森是令人难以置信的老将友好,对我 - 它已经被证明是给出所有的大学对女企业家的倡议女性退伍军人特别有用。如果你想追求创业,我无法想象任何其他地方,但这里。

For those not looking to get back into a school system, I would say leverage your network. The military network is incredibly strong. You might not know the right people now, but you know someone who knows someone who knows someone. Veterans love to help each other out, as do entrepreneurs! Don’t be afraid to reach out.


考特尼:创建悬浮窗使我对世界获得新发现的欣赏,我的教育,创业,和这么多。Every person I’ve talked to about my venture, regardless of whether or not they’re a veteran, has practically fallen over backwards trying to help me – offering to introduce me to people, new resources, and anything else they can think of that may support my efforts and help ensure my success.
