

Well-known Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper,and his similarly-famed VC father and daughter,推出了一个被誉为“善良者”的新电视节目,gentler version of Shark Tank." As part of this new series,德雷珀家族将利用股权众筹的兴起,为观众提供投资电视初创企业的机会。

在今年申请的1000家初创企业中,只有39人被选中,and two were from beplay官网体育Babson:

Mighty Well

Led by Co-Founders Emily Levy '16,你15岁的时候,和Maria del Mar Gomez Viyella'16

伟大的井能带来你可以穿的健康-时尚实用的产品,通过应用最新和最创新的面料技术来满足患者的需求,从而改变患者体验。Mighty Well的第一批可穿戴健康产品主要集中在以下患者群体:癌症患者,diabetics,and those needing long-term vascular access with PICC lines,端口,以及进料管。

Mighty Well

(Sarah Dame,22,living with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Gastroparesis.Thanks to her Mighty Wrap,强大的背包,强大的坦克,she can conceal and secure her feeding tube and IV port in her chest and no one has to know,all while looking stylish and confident.)

巨井将在周日的第五集出现,December 17 at 6 p.m.ET. Learn more>>


创始人Shiva Kashalkar MBA'11领导

Green Piñata Toys is disrupting early childhood learning through play and reduces accumulation of unused toys.他们结合了数据科学和人类的专业知识来策划为孩子量身定做的玩具,以获得最佳的游戏和学习体验。与环保型制造商一起,Green Pi_ata基于订阅的租赁服务每月为孩子们提供刺激和新奇的体验,同时帮助家庭减少未使用玩具的垃圾填埋,减少杂乱。

Green Piñata Toy Set

Green piñata will appear in Episode Four on Sunday,12月10日下午6点ET. Learn more>>

The Show

Every episode,Tim Draperhis father Bill,他的女儿杰西卡,watch and judge three startup pitches.观众被引导到 Republic—a crowdfunding platform designed specifically to allow for more accessible startup investing for the general public.

与11月16日索尼娱乐电视台首映的布帘见面(通过韩国吊索,and Dish).该节目期待在未来六个月内也可以在线观看。