

无家可归团队经验的整个朋友的每一个经历都像其他人一样令人难忘。我认为我最喜欢的故事之一是我们的全部团队,包括学生志愿者,帮助在北部韦茅斯回升庇护所。美国七人发出了帮助草本植物,我们的网站总监,修复飓风桑迪。桑迪在北部北部的北部靠近纽约或新泽西州,但她设法摧毁了一个庇护所上的屋顶上的保护木质。我们三个人抓住了梯子,并加到屋顶上,以清除碎片,无论带环的左侧都为新的瓦片留下了什么。在我们发现水损坏和生锈的屋顶板上,它似乎是一项简单的工作。我们不得不修理用水密封胶带和带有全新胶合板的封面的贴片。每个人都扮演了一个关键的角色,并作为一个团队运作得很好。艾玛通常在技能锯上切割肛门从屋顶上标记的角度。Deena将在切割时清除摘机并帮助测量。 Our muscle to get the big boards up onto the roof was Ali and our awesome volunteer Dom. After we would get the boards in place we left it to Mackenzie to use the nail gun to lock the boards into place. Herb was up top of course making sure we weren’t to off with our measurements and to provide expertise as we built the roof. While this was a great learning experience for ourselves, building part of a house and all, I realized how fortunate we were to be able to have this opportunity to do service. Every time we go I have more and more fun.

-alex woodhouse.