Creating Social Value Blog/社会创新


作者:Janai Mungalsingh'08,计划和课程管理人员,Babson College的青年企业家领导计划。beplay官网体育

作为我们教育创造巨大经济和社会价值的创业领导人的使命的一部分,刘易斯学院的青年创业计划将举办第一届年度Activating Babson’s Pre-College Curriculumconference for high school educators January 27-28 on campus.

This two day Train-the-Trainer conference will immerse educational partners in Babson’s methodology of Entrepreneurial Thought and Action®(et &&)。最终,该计划将有助于教育工作者利用企业家精神的工具和技能来赋予学生将他们的想法转变为行动。



Babson Youth Entrepreneurship program students excited for their entrepreneurial journey.

Educators are craving new strategies for engaging youth, and we’ve created sessions focused on putting ET&A into practice through activities, gamifying concepts, and sharing best practices and adaptations that fit every organization. By cultivating “teacherpreneurs,” educators can create entrepreneurial learning atmospheres in the classroom that will help their students grow into future leaders. High school students are then able to identify their passions and recognize problems in their communities as opportunities to develop ventures of social value for the next generation.

As a final yet crucial component, this conference will connect educators to one another, thereby creating a community of practice and fostering collaboration among multiple youth-based entrepreneurial programs. We’ll be guiding participants as they work together to create resource maps for planning and share resources to amplify impact. Learn more and register这里.