Creating Social Value Blog/食物

How to Start a Food Business (Hint: The Beginning Comes Earlier Than You Think)


超市 - 食品架 - 载体材料-01

1.为您的愿望设计: Why hurl yourself into the unknown just to end up following the herd? Too many food entrepreneurs get infected by popular, but unchecked, beliefs about what is possible. What is entrepreneurship if not a challenge to the status quo?

正如我们通过创业思想和行动在Babsobeplay官网体育n所知®那everything starts with desire. It’s the fuel that will keep you going when the going gets rough. You have got to know and be able to articulateyour Why。You have got to know how much risk – financially and psychologically – you are willing to tolerate, which trade-offs you are willing to make, and your strengths and weaknesses. These are not simple matters. Invest the time and be honest with yourself.

然后,在为您的企业做任何具体的混凝土之前,请像食谱测试或包装模拟,出去与人交谈。与行业两年,五年,十年的人交谈。提出尖锐的问题,倾听恢复的东西。将您的愿景调整为您发现的现实。继续使用您的愿望(以及您的容量)。对你的赔率很大;当你为你的欲望设计 - 不是你认为你的东西应该做。



3. Keep an eye on the Big Picture:作为一个波士顿餐套装企业家的企业家:“总会有火灾来处理,但忽略策略是致命的。”良好策略的基岩是了解您的业务正在播放的生态系统。


未来Ray Kurzweil.recently said: “Most entrepreneurs’ business plans act as if the world is never going to change.” The world is going to change. It’s changing right now—and nowhere more than in food. You are going to be beyond busy running your business, but without a Big Picture, you risk losing your relevance. (Having a strong partner helps here. Just like in a foxhole, you two can take turns keeping your head down in the business and popping up to look around and survey the landscape.)

I’m excited to report that a new intensive elective on “Food Entrepreneurship” will be offered at the MBA level for the fall semester of 2016. Highly interactive and experiential, in it we will explore these three ingredients and many others to fuel the launch of a smart food startup.