Undergraduate Blog/First Year at Babson

College Visits

It seems like a long time ago when I was a senior in high school looking at different colleges. I was reminded of the exciting and nervous feelings this weekend when my suitemate and I helped host a prospective student athlete from Houston, Texas. This was the frist school she had looked at and she was filled with questions and excitement over the search for what was best for her. In addition to giving her a small campus tour we spoke extensively with her about Babson. It wasn’t until I started talking that I realized how much Babson meant to me.

I couldn’t talk enough about the amazing professors and staff here that have helped guide me. I harkened back three years to the love hate relationship I had withFME, remenisced on the incredible opportunities we’re given to work with real businesses in OEM and MCE during sophomore year, and gushed about my favorite liberal arts classes. We told her about all the different clubs and organizations at Babson that we wished we’d joined, the joy ofTrimsitting, and how we finally decided what toconcentrate在。我们谈了这么多,我们意识到时间已经passed and we were afraid we’d overwhelmed her. To our surprise she was still filled with questions and happy to listen to us babble on!