

Reporting to you LIVE from Red Bank, New Jersey!

Before heading out on the road for travel, several colleagues told me that some high schools give “goodie bags” to visiting Admission Counselors. Immediately I felt a wave of nostalgia for my elementary school days when we all used to receive goodie bags before leaving birthday parties. Needless to say, I was excited; however, I didn’t realize how much these goodie bags would truly make my day until I received my first ones.

令人惊讶的是,您欣赏瓶装水,格兰诺拉麦片,薄荷糖等。一个gift, no matter how big or small, can go a long way. Speaking ofgifts

一个s my third week of travel comes to a close, I am beyond impressed by the students I’ve met, especially the activities and organizations that they dedicate so much time toward. I’m talking about students who have incredible talents and don’t necessarily use thesegifts改善自己,但要改善他人。我与如此多的年轻男女交谈,他们热衷于回馈。他们认识到自己的祝福,并希望与那些不幸的人分享。这些学生正在创建小型企业,只是为了向慈善机构捐款,在招待所志愿服务,教生孩子如何滑雪/滑雪板,指导有特殊需求的孩子的孩子等等!感谢您分享您的giftsin the past and present, but also make sure you share them with us in the future too! What do I mean?

您申请巴布森学院最重要的方面之一是您的课外活动,包括工作经验,领导职位,社区服务等。我们不仅要注册一类聪明的年轻人beplay官网体育,而且我们想注册学生谁将加入我们的90多个俱乐部和组织,也可能会创建新的俱乐部!请确保您花时间告诉我们您如何在教室外面度过。您的giftsand talents are important to our Admission Staff.

“最好的giftscome from the heart, not the store.”
― Sarah Dessen,Lock and Key