Undergraduate Blog/Defining Your Babson

Fashion Marketing

Like I stated in my previous post, I undeniably love fashion. So when I heard rumors about there being a Fashion Marketing course introduced to the Babson curriculum next year, I decided to investigate. I discovered that Professor Myers-Tierney is spearheading this venture and was able to speak with her to about this potential new course.

What is your background?

I’ve been in business for over 20 years where I was CMO and a consultant. I had a lot of business experience, and came to Babson after I was involved in a company turnaround. So far, I’ve been teaching for three years at Babson and love being here and love working with students. Previously I have taught at BU and in the Babson Graduate program. Currently, I teach MCE Marketing.

I enjoy working with people in the early stage of their careers which is why I volunteer at the Center of Women Entrepreneurs in Leadership (CWEL). I’ve been a mentor through their programs and also interview accepted scholars. I love working with students who have their dreams in front of them.

How did the idea of this Fashion Marketing course come about?

Because I had a big business background, I had a lot of students bring me their business plans to refine them. Over time I began to notice that many of them involved fashion and realized that we should have a marketing course that looks at the business of fashion. A good marketing person listens to the customers and looks at what they want, so this idea was born out of student demand. I validated that with the class deans, CCD, etc. and their response was wildly receptive and positive. Over time, it seems like there would be enough interest to potentially make a fashion concentration. After taking MCE, students could take this Fashion Marketing course in the Spring, potentially go abroad junior year or take an offshore Fashion Marketing course, and lastly something Fashion Entrepreneurship related their senior year.

When would the course be available?

I am targeting next Spring, and I am planning to take it to the formal approval process in the Fall.

Details regarding the course? What will the students be learning?

课程以学习为基础的多国评价和意图lly focuses on the business side of the fashion industry. We will look at the supply chain, the global marketplace, electronic commerce, and aspects of sustainability and social responsibility. I also want to bring in guest speakers. I hope to have companies present their business Inproblems and have students research a marketing plan for solutions. There will be company projects and potentially a field trip to manufacturing plant (textile, clothing, shoes, and apparel elements) to understand issues in manufacturing and see the advantages of local manufacturing.

Interested in this new course? Email Professor Myers-Tierney atlmyerstierney@babson.eduabout your interest, to follow her blog on The Business of Fashion or if you have any questions! There will be a contact list to which you can be added to with updates about the progress of the course. This course was born out of student interest, so be sure to share your thoughts!