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  1. 不要拖延学习!I did it and I survived (And did pretty well in all my classes I might add) but last week was NOT FUN and uber stressful.

  1. Don’t procrastinate on papers or projects either。我认为这个是非常自我解释的......然而,无论我个人听到它,我还是不学习所以我想我会扔进。是的,我已经做了一切正常。不,我不推荐它。在前一天之前开始您的12页研究论文,并在凌晨4点之前不要改变论文。

  1. Bring an iron/ironing board to school.直到我的第二个学期,我没有一个直到一半,我希望我能早点。你WILL在每月至少服装一次商务服装,可能最好不要带皱纹的衣服。也没有皱纹的正常衣服也很好。

  1. 咖啡或某种形式的含咖啡因饮料将成为您最好的朋友。现在有人在高中的朋友be shocked by this next statement but things have changed . o I wasn’t a big coffee fan in high school (just the smell would actually make me sick) but not I can barely go a day without a cup (or two or three). I tried to get a decent amount of sleep every night, but let’s face it, I was not getting enough sleep. Coffee and adrenaline is what got me through my freshmen year.

  1. 对你的教授对你好,尽量不要靠在他们的坏方面。我不认为我有任何不喜欢我的教授,但谁知道。在大学里,在高中,渐渐变化了很多东西,所以等级可以有点主观。这是教授喜欢你或知道你努力努力,如果它在两个选项之间,他们可能会更高一点。总是向你的教授打招呼,不要以任何方式愤怒。(你的GPA会很高兴你做了)

  1. 组织是关键。I lived in a pretty small room first semester and because of that I got really good at finding a place to put things. When I was moving out people were shocked how much stuff I actually had based off of my space. Being organized was how it all fit.

So there is obviously a lot more advice out there but this is just some fun things that I know I have learned/wish I knew during my freshmen year.

