Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Gearing Up for Winter Break

This post was written by Jaclyn Gaines ’16, Peer Career Ambassador.

Welcome back from break! Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we have just a few short weeks left of the fall semester. What can you do between now and finals time to start preparing for a successful winter break? Here are some tips:

  1. Think About Networking Opportunities Before They Happen

I’m sure many of you will be heading to warmer weather for winter break. Think about the places you will be visiting, the venues you will be attending, and the types of people you might bump into. Although you never know where networking will happen, the more you are prepared for a chance to pitch yourself and your skills, the better. Start working on your elevator pitch and make sure you are able to cater its content to your audience on the spot.

  1. Reach Out to Your Past Employers

Winter break is a great block of time to start expanding your resume. If you don’t have anything new lined up for the couple of weeks you’re on break, try reaching out to some of your past employers to see if there is an opportunity for you to come back over break. This is a great way to maintain a relationship with your past employers and to expand your network.

  1. Research and Prepare!

As I said earlier, winter break is a great time to network and advance your career – and you want to be ready. So in the weeks leading up to break, make sure you use some of this time to work on perfecting your resume, preparing for interviews, and updating your LinkedIn.

There are so many ways you can develop your career over winter break, so make sure you take the time to prepare before you begin your travels!