Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

My Last Week

The last week of my 2015 summer internship at BTC has almost come to an end. Unfortunately, the goal of finding a company to acquire was not achieved but I came very close.

今年夏天我已经意识到这个过程多长时间acquire a company actually takes. The process is painstakingly detailed and requires communication with several parties in order to come to a final agreement. Nonetheless, going to part of these processes has surely helped me gain a better understanding of the private equity field and an appreciation for the hard work it takes to run a successful company.

Yet this last week has been quite different as us interns prepare to leave. Our MDs and associates appreciate the work we have done. Although the work we have done is mostly grunt work, it is still crucial to the business operations of the firm. We’ve slowly begun to tie off any loose ends and “kill” any deals that we have no more time to work on and are most likely dead ends.

One major belief that I’ve gained from this summer is that if you surround yourself with hardworking people and, simply, good people, then a summer internship such as this one is made a lot more manageable. There were countless times where we relied on each other for help and entertainment and conversation.

It has been a great experience and I look forward to taking new skills I’ve learned this summer back to school.