Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/Defining Your beplay官网体育Babson

Ashoka U: The Social Entrepreneurship Conference

通过介绍,my name is Josuel Plasencia and I am a junior at beplay官网体育Babson College.我对包容性领导和战略咨询充满热情。I express my interest in inclusive leadership by running Project 99 (99leaders.org) along Yulkendy Valdez and Paulina Zarate (both juniors at beplay官网体育Babson).项目99正在孵化创业的新面貌,包容性强,能与各种人合作,no matter who they are or where they are from.在战略咨询方面,今年夏天我将在纽约埃森哲咨询公司实习。

多亏了巴布森学院的专业发展基beplay官网体育金,I was able to travel to Ashoka U.The annual conference of Ashoka,这是全球最大的社会企业家网络,在70个国家有近3000名阿育王研究员在全球范围内实施他们的系统变革理念。Founded by Bill Drayton in 1980,Ashoka has provided start-up financing,professional support services,and connections to a global network across the business and social sectors,and a platform for people dedicated to changing the world.Ashoka被认为已经启动了社会创业领域,并在全球范围内激活了多部门合作伙伴,他们越来越多地寻求创业人才和新想法来解决社会问题。基于我对社会创业和包容性领导的兴趣,there is little doubt that attending Ashoka's annual conference,Ashoka U在学习

Based on my interest in social entrepreneurship and inclusive leadership,there is little doubt that attending Ashoka's annual conference,Ashoka U在学习行业最新和最创新的理念方面提供了价值,along with networking with mentors and the overall social impact community.This year Ashoka U was hosted at Tulane University in New Orleans,Louisiana.新奥尔良是一个非常有趣的城市,因为它与社会创新有关,因为在卡特里娜飓风的破坏和破坏之后,它都在寻求社会企业家的解决方案,在理想的环境中执行它们(这些地方几乎没有或根本没有现有的框架或组织参与)。在会议期间,我参加的最具影响力的小组是在Ashoka U颁奖典礼上,来自变革行动研究所(TAI)的斯科特·谢尔曼获得了荣誉。司各特·谢尔曼是社会企业家精神教学的先驱者之一,他影响了一些当前社会企业家精神领域的领先组织,就像StartingBloc,不像话

During the conference,我参加的最具影响力的小组是在Ashoka U颁奖典礼上,来自变革行动研究所(TAI)的斯科特·谢尔曼获得了荣誉。司各特·谢尔曼是社会企业家精神教学的先驱者之一,他影响了一些当前社会企业家精神领域的领先组织,就像StartingBloc,Unreasonable Labs and Watson University.这三个组织之前都曾与巴布森的学生合作过,我很高兴今年5月访问新奥尔良,参加他们的季度社会创业和领导力培训,成为一名创业团队beplay官网体育的成员。在社会创业领域,even though seeking creative solutions for the world's largest social problems is at the center of people's minds,网络和成为更大社区的一部分总是有帮助的。这正是刘易斯研究所帮助我的,介绍我,让我了解整个社会创业的世界。多亏了刘易斯研究所,its Executive Director,Cheryl Kiser and its Associate Director Emily Weiner,我参加了克林顿全球倡议,连续两年参加Ashoka U和StartingBloc(以及Babson专业发展基金的资助),并获得巨大支持。beplay官网体育So what is the main lesson of this blog?Often times in entrepreneurship,and especially in social entrepreneurship,我们忽视了向他人学习的重要性,也忽视了让自己成为更大社区的一部分的重要性。社会创业是核心,与金融等其他行业没有区别。where it helps your mission and goals to visit conferences like Ashoka U.I encourage the beplay官网体育Babson College social entrepreneurship community to attend next year's Ashoka U in Miami,佛罗里达。It will occur during February of 2017.通过参加Ashoka U和类似的会议,你很快就会发现你的想法,项目或启动将成熟并提供更大的价值。

In the world of social entrepreneurship,even though seeking creative solutions for the world's largest social problems is at the center of people's minds,网络和成为更大社区的一部分总是有帮助的。这正是刘易斯研究所帮助我的,介绍我,让我了解整个社会创业的世界。多亏了刘易斯研究所,its Executive Director,Cheryl Kiser and its Associate Director Emily Weiner,我参加了克林顿全球倡议,连续两年参加Ashoka U和StartingBloc(以及Babson专业发展基金的资助),并获得巨大支持。beplay官网体育So what is the main lesson of this blog?Often times in entrepreneurship,and especially in social entrepreneurship,我们忽视了向他人学习的重要性,也忽视了让自己成为更大社区的一部分的重要性。社会创业是核心,与金融等其他行业没有区别。where it helps your mission and goals to visit conferences like Ashoka U.I encourage the beplay官网体育Babson College social entrepreneurship community to attend next year's Ashoka U in Miami,佛罗里达。It will occur during February of 2017.通过参加Ashoka U和类似的会议,你很快就会发现你的想法,项目或启动将成熟并提供更大的价值。

beplay官网体育Babson Underbeplay官网地址graduate Professional Development Fund: Provides opportunities for undergraduate students to pursue professional development opportunities outside of Babson College provided programs and events.明确地,it will fund costs associated with student participation in external/off-site experiences such as conferences,trainings,贸易展览,forums,case competitions,panel presentations,等。