


Have you been searching for an internship for the past 6 months? Chances getting more bleak by the day? Stressing that the most productive activity you will be doing this summer will be babysitting your neighbor’s dog? Considered taking summer courses, but didn’t follow through? Thought of volunteering work, but knew it wouldn’t fulfill your drive to progress as a professional? Don’t fret, because I was once there.

During my freshmen year, all my friends had internships or classes or just some plain amazing plan that I felt all Babson students had despite claiming they will also be bumming it this summer (ultimately coming back in the fall, running a seeded startup). And to be honest, I thought I was the only one in my class not prepared. So I told everyone I was going to start a blog and volunteer.To find my innerself, you know?

And I really did, although it wasn’t through the blogging and volunteering I claimed I did. It was actually through reading. Yes, I know what you are all thinking. “Reading? I have read enough books in Rhetoric A + B to satisfy my “craving” for the decade”. The honest truth is, the books that we read at Babson stimulate our critical thinking skills, but have little tangent impact in our lives. However, the books I picked up that summer had a larger impact and was more beneficial to my professional career than any of the four internships I have had at Babson. Here’s the short list and the lessons I still carry in my pocket today:

  1. 富爸爸穷爸爸
    - 罗伯特·清崎
  2. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
    ”部t until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise.”
    - 史蒂芬R.科维
  3. How to Make Friends and Influence People
    - 戴尔卡耐基
  4. Think and Grow Rich
    – Napoleon Hill
  5. 传染性:为什么事情风风火火
    - 乔纳伯杰
