Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Landing The Dream Internship! – NYC Fashion Internship

Hello! My name is Isabel Whitaker Esteve, but I usually just go by Bel. I am a rising senior at Babson College still trying to decide if I should concentrate or not. I am interested in marketing, supply chain management, business analytics, and surprise surprise… entrepreneurship! I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil and came to the US for college. I love travelling, which explains why I am currently studying abroad, spent a summer in Fiji, just came back from a semester in Paris, and studied abroad in Switzerland and Spain while I was in high school. Another passion of mine is fashion! I have always known that I wanted to work in this industry, which brings me to my current internship at Rent the Runway.

After a million of applications, and just a couple of interviews, which I must say made me feel quite unmotivated, I was finally offered my dream job! Could I be any luckier?! I am working as the assistant buyer for accessories at Rent the Runway (RTR). RTR is an amazing company (if you are not familiar with it go check it outhere) based in New York City. “It is a fashion company with a technology soul, powered by a transformative business model, proprietary technology, and a unique reverse-logistics operation,” where you are able to rent designer clothing and accessories. “By giving people access to remarkable luxury experiences, they’re changing the meaning of ownership — and revolutionizing retail in the process.”

The New York Times called RTR“a netflix model for haute couture.”Cool right?!

Since my introduction to RTR I have admired their innovative business model and dynamic culture. The company’s values entail all of my own so I could not be any happier when I learned I would be working with them this summer

FOR PULSE - Rent The Runway - Flatiron Illustration - HANDOUT