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美国证券交易委员会是联邦政府的机构,该机构负责通过维护公平有效的市场来保护投资者。SEC解决的许多案件开始于FINRA或Whistle Blowers的提示,并以Ponzi计划,金字塔计划或Insider交易案件而出现。执法部门有助于审查员,法医会计师和律师之间的密切合作,以深入研究案件的详细信息和数据,以了解发生了什么事,谁参与其中,并准备犯罪和罚款建议。

As a finance, accounting, and legal studies concentrator with a passion for white collar crime I am excited about what the next 8 weeks of my internship will bring. I look forward to delving headfirst into complex cases and learning about everything from Excel shortcuts and securities laws to understanding the psychological motivations behind market abuse.