


Today’s post is about going above and beyond what is asked of you. We all have our 9-5 duties that occupy the majority of our internships. However, it is the optional extra tasks that you can take on that will separate you from the competition. I personally want to make sure that I am making the most of my summer internship and take on extra tasks whenever given the chance. Not only does this show great initiative, but it also helps me further bond with my fellow interns and makes me a little extra cash.

Working for a baseball team I have had the opportunity to live out a few work experiences most people will never have the opportunity to do. I’ve worked as the PA announcer, ran the bases in a mascot suit (don’t recommend), and played catch on the field with coworkers. I didn’t expect to be working any of these jobs, but jumped at the chance to. I look forward to my next new experiences be it working as a peanut vendor or running a concession stand. Being in intern it is important to stand out from your peers and be willing to help out however necessary. Don’t be afraid to go above and beyond your job description, it will make a strong impression on your superiors.