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My Biggest Accomplishments

As I only have 2 more weeks of my internship left, I wanted to provide some dialogue about what I think my biggest accomplishments for my summer internship are.I have been given many projects, assignments, and duties throughout this summer and it’s time I take a moment to look at where I started and where I am now.

When I walked into YWCA Hartford Region on my first day I was nervous but ready to get started.During my first couple of weeks I was given very “low risk” tasks (stuffing envelopes, inputting data, etc.) – the things I had really no shot at messing up.After these first couple weeks I was feeling discouraged with these tasks and asked my supervisor if she thought I was ready to move on to “more important” jobs.She was happy I felt confident and from then on I’ve been working on things such as social media generation and business partner relations.Over the course of this summer I have accomplished the ability to be confident in my skills, work self-sufficiently, and be ready to take on new challenges.This has provided me the opportunity to work on so many different things at YWCA and learn all new programs and skills.

Moving forward from YWCA I hope that I can take these accomplishments with me to open up new opportunities for myself not only in the business world but also at Babson.Babson has already given me a ton of support and opportunities and my first two years and I want to show the people that I work with that I have grown and I am ready for the real world.