

The daily commute to the workplace; often mind-numbing, grueling, and monotonous. Driving 36 miles – each way – is extreme, but sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic can make it that much worse. Originally, I assumed listening to music on a playlist or radio station would make for a less stressful commute. However, that grew ancient very quickly with many of the same songs stuck on repeat. It was quintessential to discover a new, more inventive way to keep myself sane for each of these 1.5-hour drives. While there are no immediate remedies to my dilemma, I found a few ways to not only pass time, but become productive on each highway-ride.

如上所述,音乐不是我的理想解决方案。那么,有哪些其他选择?一天早晨,我决定收听当地新闻台,以进行周期性的交通更新。这变成了常规的仪式,我不仅可以洞悉道路状况,而且还了解当天的各种故事,包括政治,金融市场和国际活动。反过来,我注意到在整个驱动器过程中,我正在成为一个知识渊博的人。这个消息还开始塑造我对我周围不断变化的所有事物的看法。但老实说,这个消息使我对世界的现状感到愤世嫉俗。听新闻的聆听使我找到了播客作为内容的替代来源。不管喜欢与否,我们都受到听到的内容的极大影响。我选择受到那些在房地产融资中取得最高水平的人的影响。 By listening to select opinions and advice, I am gaining in-depth insight on topics that enable me to engage in all different types of conversation with all sorts of people.

With Bluetooth in my car, the journey to the office also provides an opportunity to make work-related phone calls. Whether it be to my manager, a client, or a cold-call, I am able to keep myself productive at the wheel, and create more time for myself to focus on the more arduous tasks at the desk. Using this alone time in the car also allows me to mentally prepare, organize, and assess the day. Being stuck in traffic is certainly no form of meditation, but this extended period of time is a great opportunity to reflect, inform myself of the world around me, and put my priorities in order.
