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Thank you cards and gifts

The last days of summer internships are coming and with them you have to prepare for the big closing.就像结束对话和最后的项目一样,你想让你的实习和主管们大吃一惊!

Reflection.First and foremost,思考一下你的实习经历。写下你学到的东西,that you loved to do,明年不做什么,你会改变什么。Reflecting on your summer experience before the last meeting with supervisors and connections allows you to bring more value into the last conversation,maybe fit in questions or last minute points.

谢谢你的卡片。手写卡片虽然陈词滥调是最好的细节,你可以添加到再见。With your mental list of the people that made an impact in your summer experience go to pick out thank you cards.Nowadays you can find elaborate cards that range from $5-$10,which may seem expensive but if they get a reaction from the receptor then it is worth it.Buy cards specific to each person,choose designs or quotes that talk to your experience and that individual's personalities.By showing an individual that you have gotten to know somewhat the kind of people they are,it establishes an immediate connection,more likely to be remembered.It is also better to not choose the same card for everyone because it makes the detail seem less thoughtful and you never know people will discuss your gift.

信息。Just like cover letters,卡片中的信息需要制作给个人。尽量避免使用过度的表达方式,并根据你和那个人的经历以及你为什么要给他们一张卡片以及为什么他们会对你的生活产生影响的原因来编排卡片的格式。

礼品。With gifts price does not correlate with quality of a gift.就个人而言,我认为最好把钱花在人们能记住你的小东西上。例如,我给我的主管危地马拉忧虑娃娃(穿着传统服装的小娃娃可以消除你的忧虑),因为我在危地马拉的一个项目上工作,我来自危地马拉。如果你找不到如此个性化的东西,personalize the gift based on what you know of your supervisor.例如,我室友的上司打算搬公寓,所以她给她买了一个暖房礼物,而不是一瓶葡萄酒或巧克力。

Do not stress to much about the details of the cards and the gifts,最后,重要的是思想。通过你的礼物展示你对那个暑假机会的感激之情。