Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/职业发展

Underclassmen Opportunities

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,Alex Rabell '21

本文的重点是第一年和第二年在巴布森学院。beplay官网体育So you attended the career expo and other career events these past weeks and realized most companies do not offer internship opportunities for underclassmen.So what do you do?没必要惊慌失措,夏天你可以做的事情还有很多其他的机会。下面我将讨论三大机会,许多低年级学生在暑假不考虑这些机会,但对他们的职业发展非常有益。

  1. Leadership events

许多大公司为低年级学生提供2-4天的领导课程。In these programs the firms have global leaders from their firm give presentations explaining in detail what the firm does and just giving overall career advice.这些项目通常还包括互动讲习班,engaging team-building activities and more.这是一个很好的方式,让你了解更多的公司,了解在公司工作需要什么,以及与公司现有员工建立关系网。认识为你感兴趣的公司工作的人总是很好的,今后与他们保持联系可能会非常有益。提供这些项目的一些公司包括:安永会计师事务所,普华永道毕马威戈德曼萨克斯通用电气和麦肯锡公司(仅限女性)。The great thing about these programs is that they not only serve as an educational experience,but also many times students who attend such events receive internship offers from the firm for the following summer.

  1. 通过联系寻找实习机会

许多低年级学生没有考虑的另一个好机会是通过联系申请实习。If you know that your best friend's uncle works for a consulting firm and that is the field you are currently interested in,不要害怕问你能否在夏天为他们实习。很多时候,员工在夏天都有假期,所以公司需要有人来帮忙。Even if you are not doing an interesting job,在这样的环境中工作总是很好的,因为你可以从第一手的角度理解在这样的地方工作需要什么,通过与办公室的人合作,进入网络学习。It is possible that they reject your offer for an internship position,but in that case you can always ask if you could shadow somebody at the office for a couple of days.阴影可以让你看到员工每天都在做什么,帮助你弄清楚这是否是你真正想做的事情。

  1. 在课堂上取得进步

最后,it is always great to get ahead with classes.This can allow you to have space to take more focused classes earlier on or even be able to beplay官网地址graduate early,saving you a lot of money and time.After the first year,暑假参加管理会计和运营管理课程是很好的,可以提前完成你的必修课程。Mac和汤姆是两个独立的课程,学生们必须同时接受巴布森学院的中小企业基金会的要求。这门课程是巴布森最具挑战性的课程之一。beplay官网体育Taking it during the summer would allow you to focus all your time to the course.

这些只是你在大学第一个暑假可以利用的几个机会,但是还有很多其他的!Also,你不必只选择一个,夏天足够长,你可以做不止一件事。Just remember to be productive.