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The Bigger Picture

每个Babsbeplay官网体育on学生都能生动地记忆他们的FME经验。好的,the bad,and the ugly.No matter what your overall opinion of the experience was,每个人都知道为非营利组织工作是什么感觉。Not many people have put in the hours that we had to in the classroom and outside,试图从无到有地创办一家公司,顺便说一下,你得不到报酬。这一切都是为了年底的一个年级。当你没有得到悲伤的补偿时,为什么要对自己施加很大的压力?"Never again," I thought to myself.

Well,here I am.一个没有报酬的实习生,but this timeI have 10 times more work and I'm putting in 40 hours a week as well.I don'tunderstand why I do this to myself.But then,我退后一步,深呼吸。但这只会帮助我一秒钟,很快我就回到了我原来的地方,想知道我为什么要这样对自己。

然后,我第一天回想起了我的方向。我夏天在这里的工作是协助联合国儿童基金会美国业务流程审查和系统评估和选择项目。In short,I am helping trim the fat off the company and make it the most efficient it can be so that when someone donates a dollar to help save a child's life,more of that dollar gets to that child.捐赠的每一美元中有超过90美分最终直接用于联合国儿童基金会的使命,即世界上每一个儿童都能幸存下来,繁荣,learns,is protected from violence,有一个安全干净的环境,and has an equitable chance in life.This project's goal is to see how much more of that dollar we can get to help save more lives.


当然,赚钱很好,but one summer of being a paid intern won't have a significant enough impact on my lifetime as much as my work here will have for the future of this organization and children around the world.我希望我在这里的时间投资将有助于为公司培养一种新的方法,允许更高效的流程,in turn,将挽救比我们以前更多的儿童生命。

Sometimes you must take a step back to realize the bigger picture in whatever you are doing.