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Continuing an internship beyond summer

I completed my first internship this summer. I was grateful to have received and accepted an internship offer. I was absolutely elated when my boss offered me a part-time position with the company during the academic year. While my work-ethic has proven to be a valuable asset to the company, there were other key factors that led to my job offer.

首先,我与公司价值观和文化保持一致。我记得我实习的第一天,我的老板 - 创始人兼首席执行官 - 说我需要愿意接受她作为自己面临的任何公司挑战。从一开始,我们合作地工作到最有效且有效地解决问题。我一直都很顺利,更喜欢在一支球队中工作,这就是为什么公司对我很适合。

第二,我和我的老板能够形成一个强有力的relationship. While she is first and foremost my boss, she is also a mentor, friend, and confidant who has helped me grow professionally and personally. My boss recognizes that I am a diligent and dedicated employee; furthermore, she genuinely wants me to discover my full potential because she believes I am on a trajectory to having a successful and fulfilling career in the fashion industry.
