Undergraduate Blog/职业发展



One of the most essential skills students must develop in their early college years is professionalism. Suddenly, in the quick transition from high school to college, students begin applying for career-focused positions, like internships — and eventually jobs. Having experienced this seemingly overwhelming adjustment myself, I was especially grateful to those in Babson’s CCD and others for helping to guide me through this process. As a result, important tasks such as creating professional profiles, building a resume, searching for the right roles, and navigating application processes have become significantly less daunting. One tool CCD has created, exclusively for first-year students, is called First Year Fridays.

第一年是星期五旨在教育新生有关的一系列职业相关的主题,用工具使他们走上轻松自己的职业生涯搜索旅程的程序。每个人在大学有不同范围的经验和有关的专业发展程度不同的知识。周围巴布森校园职业化的气氛,有时很难让第一年才能实现,我们都开始只是喜欢你。beplay官网体育一年级至五的目标是弥合高中生和专业的一年级学生之间的差距。每个周五,同行职业大使,解决这种差距,以及从哪里开始提示存在不同的主题。同行职业大使可以,因为他们是一年级的学生在短短几年前提供有价值的见解。参加第一年的星期五允许每星期新的一年级学生学习一些关于职业生涯相关的话题,而在职业生涯的机会得到一个领先地位。那些起步早,有学习的意愿和专业区分自己一个目标,在员工职位竞争时将有超过同龄人有优势。此外,熟悉自己与就业中心的机会和计划,以及与CCD团队发展关系,福斯特知识共享,建议,反馈和机会 - 工具,而追求自己的梦想位置,这将是至关重要的。我们来这里是为了帮助学生追求事业,他们可以在踊跃毕业后走上。 First Year Fridays is the place to begin that process.
