
My Summer Internship at MSCI


嘿大家!我的名字是Praket Sharma和我在巴布森大学二年级的市场营销集中。beplay官网体育今年夏天,我有机会到工作的摩根士丹利资本指数的实习生。我在他们的印度孟买办公室工作。

MSCI Inc. is a global provider of equity, fixed income, hedge fund stock market indexes, and multi-asset portfolio analysis tools. Yes! It sounds complicated, and trust me the first week of work was stressful. Understanding these complex terminologies was hard but the professionals at MSCI made me feel at ease. Most of them were graduates from top colleges around the world and having their support was humbling.

I was part of the index management team. My job was to analyze the financials of over 100 firms and check whether their financial ratios complied with the benchmarks of our index. These firms were part of an Islamic index with strict benchmark restrictions. I was also responsible for analyzing around 125 biotechnology companies from around the globe and label them with their appropriate SIC and GICS code. After my analysis, I presented my work to my project head. Upon his approval of my work, I was able to showcase my analysis to the top officials at the firm.
