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Did you know that Babson has partnered with VMock, an AI tool that gives you instant feedback on your resume’s content and formation? VMock is a resume platform that annotates your resume with personalized feedback on all aspects of your resume, and the benchmarks your resume against other Babson students.


  1. 继续https://www.vmock.com/beplay官网体育babsonugrad
  2. 点击“@Continue与大学ID”按钮,并与您的巴布森的电子邮件地址和密码登录beplay官网体育
  3. 上传PDF格式的简历。该VMock将通过吨的算法运行筛选针对一组基准您的简历,让你在不到1分钟的即时反馈。
  4. Click the blue “View Detailed Feedback”
  5. VMock will then
  • 为您提供基于巴布森模板简历指南beplay官网体育
  • 告诉你到底你应该和变化的工作是什么
  • 提供个性化的反馈注释你的简历和成绩你的简历在三个方面:影响,演示和竞争力

VMock focuses on three areas of your resume: Impact, Presentation, and Competencies. Here are some tips to help you improve your resume and VMock Score:


  • 开始强烈和具体行动动词每一颗子弹点
  • 尽量量化你的成就和影响的金额或发生频率。
  • 避免人称代词和填充词


  • 一页简历是商务行业规范
  • 请确保您有必要的部分,如个人资料,教育和简历上的经验部分。为教育节的日期应该是你的预期毕业,没有开始日期。


  • 使用此功能来确保您有五个技能(分析,沟通,领导力,团队合作,主动性),雇主正在寻找,当他们阅读你的简历


  • Focus on VMock’s feedback rather than the score.
  • 你只得到10个机会上传每年你的简历,你再次上传您的简历之前,所以作出相应的改变。
  • 请务必检查出“有针对性的反馈”底部,然后点击“看对你的社区的恢复措施如何,请点击这里”按钮,基准你的简历对你的巴布森同行beplay官网体育
  • When you receive a score of at least 65, you have a chance to ask for Network Feedback. Network Feedback allows you to get feedback and advice from people who you would ask for career advice.
    • Make sure you ask the person if he/she is willing to review your resume before asking through VMock
    • 跟进审阅,并亲自或邮件发送感谢信通过。