

The future remains a mystery. We as a society are still wondering when we will be able to ditch Zoom and return to in-person interactions. When I first accepted the role of interning at Hidden Harbor Capital, a small company based in South Florida. I was ready to follow all the tips to make a good impression as an intern. I was looking forward to getting into the office early and staying late. However, these plans were quickly thrown aside as we began to deal with the COVID pandemic. I was left to wonder how I can still make a great impression while working from home.

我很快意识到,在家工作是类似在办公室工作。就像你要很好地打扮,并显示了寻找专业人士在工作时。您还需要确保你通过放大看专业。尝试把巴布森标志的虚化背景,或者使用您与实习公司的标志。beplay官网体育这将从你的背景限制分心。您也可以在公司/集团范围内的变焦会议的第一个。以登录到会议上几分钟的时间早让你不仅向你承诺的人,但也可以让你与会议开始前该公司的成员聊天。让您建立有价值的关系,这将是长期的非常有益的。此外,仅仅因为你不能在人的午餐并不意味着你不能有一个“虚拟的午餐”。问你想与更多的交谈的人,如果你可以有一个“虚拟的午餐”和他们在一起,和9个10倍,他们会说是的。 This allows you to not only ask questions but also build a relationship with them that could help lead you to your next job or internship.
