Undergraduate Blog/职业发展

企业文化is Important

Immediately I started working at The Woods, I could not help but notice how everyone there was like a close knit family and this greatly benefitted me as it helped me improve on myself. As opposed to just being people, who just worked together, we knew each other personally, offered each other help, advice, and support when we could. I have had internships in which I have worked with a large group of people hence, I did not get the chance to know people on a more personal level and I have worked in similar close-knit internships such as that of The Woods and I prefer this over the later.


  1. 开放式沟通
  • Working with people who I got to know and got comfortable with quickly, made It easier for all of us to communicate. Whenever we felt like one person could do something better to improve on their role, we would tell each other in a very polite way without fear of offending each other because we all know we are trying to help each other.

2. More Motivation

  • 除了我们彼此公开交流和工作这一事实之外,决策涉及到每个人。这让每个人都更有动力,因为我们都在朝着一个相似的目标努力,有着相同的愿景,并感到与任何我们需要的人进行轻松的沟通,以使工作更顺利。

3. Easy Accountability

  • 由于组织规模小,很容易知道谁负责什么。因此,我们都知道该由谁对业务的特定方面负责。这使得eat更容易完成任务,过程也更顺畅更快。

These reasons, amongst others have led me to the realization that I would prefer to work in a small organization.